WHEAT AND DAIRY FREE WEEK 2 : last... - Endometriosis UK

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bethm1983 profile image
19 Replies

last Wednesday I caved and ate a mini magnum, I thought what harm can it do! BIG MISTAKE!!!! the whole of the next day I felt bloody awful! (sluggish, moody, teary, achy and very bloated)

this maybe a naïve thing to say but I really had no idea how much effect what we eat has on out health and well being.

anyway, I now don't want to go near dairy! im finding the no wheat pretty easy. although I would love a nice crusty roll or something! :) I tried Schar bread this morning, and its the best I've tried, It was recommended to me by a friend. The slices are very small but I had 2 as toast and it the closest it real bread I found.

so apart from my magnum incident I have carried on feeling flipping marvellous in general.

im starting to get a few aches and twinges but im pretty sure that just my "proper period" coming.

I have lost a further 3 pound in weight also.. so that's 5 and half pounds in 2 weeks! crazy!

as a last note, my endo nurse contacted me to say they are starting a support group at the end of September at our local holiday inn. so that's great news.

feeling positive atm! :) xx

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bethm1983 profile image
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19 Replies
EmJo33 profile image

Lovely to read this, well done for your determination with the no wheat no dairy. Last week I tried the no wheat which I feel great for and have also found not too hard. Dairy on the other hand isn't as easy, hoping to start that this week. Thank you for updating :)

bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to EmJo33

thank you :) its so worth it, I'm glad you are seeing benefits too.

I don't drink milk anyway as I just don't like it, and im not overly keen on yoghurts either, cheese however is my favourite food so I am missing that.... I never thought id see the day where id say im willing to give up cheese, but its just not worth feeling so unwell for.

im trying wheat free pasta this week so fingers crossed that's edible :)

keep in touch if you would like to, we can swap tips and let each other know of good alternatives :)

EmJo33 profile image
EmJo33 in reply to bethm1983

I am exactly the same! I've never drank milk or eat yogurts but cheese is my life. Love all cheeses!

Good luck with the pasta.

Great idea to swap tips 😊

Starry profile image
Starry in reply to bethm1983

I'm finding the Bute Island range the best cheese alternative. Cheese was the last dairy product I gave up.


The pea protein pasta in Waitrose is nice but pricey.


bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to Starry

ooooh this looks great! im going to Holland and barrett at lunch to see if I can get some.

thanks for sharing x

bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to Starry

They didn't have any block cheese but I brought some spread. I haven't tried it yet though. X

Lulububs profile image

Lol i am dairy, gluten and yeast free due to intolerances and ibs aswell as period issues, it has worked a treat i feel so much healthier.

Was always in pain with stomach, now no problems even my periods are better , ive lost over a stone in weight in 5 months.

My only slip up was a mint magnum lol this is why i had to write this as it made me laugh, WHY!! Those dam magnums... like u i paid for that magnum but it was sooo nice...

I have soya milk , u can get alpro icecream and yoghurts non dairy and there nice, as like u i do not miss the dairy as i dont actually like cheese or yoghurts. I miss the bread and nothing tastes like bread.... i keep trying but nothing tastes same... so i give up.

Good luck keep goin as it really works, for everything.

bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to Lulububs

How strange, bloody magnums! I hardly ever eat ice cream I'm more of an ice lolly person but after not having any dairy I was craving it. Definitely will not be doing that again. I know it's sounds dramatic but I almost felt like if poisoned myself the next day I felt so rough.

I'm definitely keeping at it, I'd be an idiot not to!


Vicky2708 profile image

Glad to see your updates Bethm1983 and to hear how you're going - I note you mention a support group, can I ask whereabouts you are based? There isn't one that local to me, that's my reason for asking x

bethm1983 profile image

I'm in Taunton Somerset. Are you any where near there? X

fishee1204 profile image

Ahh the magnum.... I can't say I blame you, they're amazing and I hadn't thought if it until you've just mentioned it, however with those side effects you've put me off as quickly as the temptation...

I've had a bad week this week, had some really upset stomach days :'( I've put it down to my body adapting to it but I've checked all ingredients so can't put my finger on what the issue is...

I have to say I'm so surprised by the amount of choice. We have a really large tesco and Sainsbury's that have so much 'free from' so I can't say I've missed anything yet. I had a free from brownie from Sainsbury's yesterday with a good old rice milk tea (my trusted companion from day 1) - mmmmmm.

Being a veggie, I would love cheese but I'm scared of trying it - would be great to hear what you think.

Good luck for next week, I look forward to seeing your updates :-)

bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to fishee1204

I agree fortunately there is a good range of "free from" around.

To be honest as much as I'd love some cheese, after the magnum it's really put me off all dairy. So not sure when I'll be trying it. Let me know if you do though please. We are all different but I'd still like to know others experiences. ☺

I'm really hormonal today and have period pains so I feel like I could eat all day long, not sure a chicken salad is going to cut it for lunch today 😂

Hope your tummy gets better soon. Xxx

fishee1204 profile image
fishee1204 in reply to bethm1983

Yes, I don't blame you!! I'll let you know of I venture into the cheeseless cheese range haha.

Oh no, I'm so sorry. Keep some nuts handy. Peanuts in a variety of flavours have become my go to snack...

Thanks lovely, and to you! I hope you find this month is eased a little for you xx

bethm1983 profile image
bethm1983 in reply to fishee1204

I tried some grated "free from" cheese from Sainsbury's on chilli. It was ok but wasn't the same and it doesn't melt.

Yesterday I brought some sheese spread (dairy free) from Holland and Barrett. A lady above recommended it to me it's made by bute island. Have a look at their website xx

fishee1204 profile image
fishee1204 in reply to bethm1983

Yeah, I am particular about my cheese but will have a look - thanks :-)

Starry profile image

bethm1983 Almost a magnum .... waitrose.com/shop/DisplayPr...

bethm1983 profile image

thanks starry! I cant open on the link though, it just comes up with an error, what is the product called please? x

Lulububs profile image

Yeh asda and morrison so a great free from range, morrisons has made all there sausages gluten free and they are really tasty.

I think it will get better and better dues to so many people being intolerant or choosing not to eat it.

Some of the free from stuff i prefer but bread i cannot find a bread that gluten yeast and milk free that ok!! They are basically like a brick lol....

It is hard to start with but now ive just go so used to it i dont think... even my husband eats dinners with me but he will just snack on normal foods so i dont have to make two different dinners.

I am sitting here at mo eating gluten free tortillas and hummous bloody yum

SkipperC2017 profile image

Can I ask what effects anyone participating in this post had with dairy apart from the sluggishness? I think I might have a problem with milk!!! :( any symptoms anyone has had as I can't sleep sluggish and mood swings and IBS chronic!!! Esp constipation and stools V V WIERD(SORRY to be gràphic!) Anyone else? :) :)

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