Having the operation without taking any m... - Endometriosis UK

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Having the operation without taking any medication

22 Replies

Hi I just wanted to ask if anyone else has done this. I'm due to have my laparoscopy in a couple of weeks. It's my first one and my gyno said it will be more effective to take the pill or have the coil inserted after to keep the endo away longer and keep the pain at bay. However I'm not a fan of going on the pill or having the coil and just want to have the laparoscopy without any medication after. Has anyone else done this? If so has there been any difference?

Thank you xx

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22 Replies
Stellauk profile image

I think if the surgeon has removed all the endometriosis lesions possible then further medication is not necessary. If they didn't remove enough then the condition will come back any how. My consultant pretty much said I could take or leave it. So I didn't take any. However, they do put the coil in as a matter of routine, if you don't want it you need to let them know on the day.

in reply to Stellauk

My gyno said because I am young medication after is recommended so it doesn't come back so I don't keep on having operations but she did give me the option not to take any. So did you say no to the coil as well?

Stellauk profile image

The consultant was going to put the coil in which I reluctantly agreed to. However, on the day, it turned out I was not suitable for it. I am quite relieved to not have it. I don't think pills etc prevent the endometriosis comes back it is more like it was not completely removed and they just mask the symptoms.

in reply to Stellauk

Yes I agree with you I feel like the pill or coil isn't what stops the endo coming back. Has yours come back after your operation?

Stellauk profile image
Stellauk in reply to

Only had the operation 1 year ago and does not feel it has come back.

Good luck with your operation.

Lulububs profile image

I had my done 3 weeks ago and i refused 4 times before they accepted it that i did not want a coil fitted so they made me promise id go to my gp to get the pill.

I havent and i wont.. i do not want to take tablets for things but if i had to choose i would do a pill a progesterone mini pill as there safer and help people with endo more. If they fit the coil ur kind of stuck with it till someone will take it out...

in reply to Lulububs

Yeah I completely agree!! I think I'm not going to take it and if the endo does come back soon then il re think about taking the pill

I just had my laparoscopy today and they removed early stage endometriosis (I'm 21). I am being put on birth control pill because my doctor said that if I am proactive about taking care of it it should not come back. Much rather take a pill that works for me (which is always a pain to find the right one..) than deal endometriosis all over again.

However, this is just my treatment and everyone is different. If you aren't comfortable taking things then it is your right not to! Don't let them push you into doing something you don't want to do.

Best wishes x

in reply to

Yeah exactly the thought of taking the pill I'm not happy with. I was on it before and I didn't like it and I know they are all different etc. I think when I go ahead with this operation I'm not taking any medication and if it ends up coming back then il just start taking the pill and see if that helps!

Thank you x

Hey, I had the coil fitted and it was the worst decision i made. I had severe cramps after which led to me being admitted to hospital. It then moved and i had to be put under General anaesthetic to have it removed as they couldn't find it. Since having it removed I have been suffering with severe pmt which I never got before having it fitted. Hope this helps.

Heloo85 profile image

Its hit and miss really. I was put on zoladex, then mini pill before surgery (had complex surgery). Then combined & zoladex after surgery and my endo is still active. Its not always to do with 'not removing it all'. First off, some deposits are so small the naked eye (surgeon) cant see them! My surgery was 5 hours long, made no difference, mine come straight back (within a month). Im on my 3rd and last Zoladex, and its still active! Ive tried everything and nothing has worked! Gotta say im envious of people who get relief from the coil, pill, ect! Ill be in theatre for more surgery before years out and this year as been a nightmare!

in reply to Heloo85

Oh god I'm sorry to hear it must be so annoying!! I think it is just down to the person and their body. I hope you do find something that will help you in the future!

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to

It is very hit and miss. Sometimes stuff works, sometimes it doesnt so i dont blame you for not wanting to try it! Hope surgery fixes you, its been known too! Ive tried the whole shabang for nothing and i know where my consultant is going to go next, probably hysterectomy, hence the second course of Zoladex. But seeing as Zoladex failed, im sure a hysterectomy will too!

in reply to Heloo85

Yeah exactly that's why I'm not 100% sure of taking anything because I feel like it might just cause problems rather than fix! And to be honest the one thing that is putting me off is the side affects of getting spots on the face because I went though that once and honestly it was one of he worst times of my life! And if I can prevent that from happening by choosing not take the pill or the coil then I would rather do that. I hope so too if the surgery doesn't work then il probably just leave it because when you deal with something for so long you just learn to get on with it and that's kind of what I have done with the endo. But I hope yours gets sorted!! Is the hysterectomy something you would want to do?

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to

Tbh gotta say ive not been plagued by acne .. the zoladex has caused a couple of spots but nothing major and my skin was so bad in my teenage-early adult years that i had 3 courses of roaccutane! If you do want to try the pill theres plenty of acne friendly ones! I lived with my symptoms for years, ignored them, thats why im here now 😂😂 .. But the past 2 years have been ridiculous! This year alone ive had constipation so severe ive passed out and 5 impactions! Ive been on and off laxitives for 6 months. Last month they tried to keep me on laxitives but my severe constipation turned to severe diarrhea and i dropped 5lb in a week. No, i cant have a hyster. At 31 im already plagued with oesteoarthritis, my joints wont survive early menopause. I also have early onset heart disease and menopause would probably kill me off 😂😂 .. Im not sure yet. Im hoping this time theyll remove more of my sigmoid colon. I think if they can fix the bowel, id be able to cope with the rest, but im not sure they can. Because i ignored endo for so long they think the damage to my bowel might be permanent! Its a ridiculous disease! Gets me how its so different in people too but definitely dont underestimate it!

in reply to Heloo85

Yeah she told me to go on Yasmin as that is meant to help acne in general but I still don't want to risk it 🤔 exactly I don't want to leave it too long incase it does anymore damage because you really don't know what it does to your insides!! Oh god that is awful I can't believe you are going through all of this and they still haven't found something that will help! There must be something out there! Maybe changing gyno and having someone else deal with it a second opinion? Because there's only so much you can take, you should be so proud about how your dealing with all this!!!

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to

Im under an endo specialist. Tbh those are the only treatments we have available, just my endo doesnt respond to it. At all. Deep infiltrating endo very rarely responds to hormones unfortunately! Just the bowel issue thats the worst. Thats constant! See my gynea again soon to discuss further surgery!

in reply to Heloo85

I hope when you see your gyno you can get some better solutions or answers. Unfortunately we just have to think this is life I know that's not a good way of looking at things but it's better than allowing it to run our lives!

EmJo33 profile image

I personally wouldn't recommend the coil. I had awful pain for the first year. I then fell pregnant, they couldn't find it, told me it must have fallen out! When I was 5 and a half months pregnant the coil came out in a clot! It ruptured my placenta, my daughter was born 3 months prem.

in reply to EmJo33

Yeah a lot of people have had bad experiences with the coil even my gyno said she wouldn't recommend it. Oh god!! They should have at least done some sort of scan to see if they can see it especially if you were pregnant!!! I hope your daughter came out alright

I have had two laps and both without hormone Medication or the pill, they didn't force anything on me and it was my choice, I had my first op around 4 years ago and my second in July last year, I am due to have a third op as all symptoms have come back

in reply to

There has been a good time period though of not having any symptoms and not taking the pill or coil just shows it can be done without it then, because even with medication it can come back. I think I have decided not take anything and just see what happens

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