Another concern. : Good morning to all you... - Endometriosis UK

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Another concern.

Crystalee profile image
8 Replies

Good morning to all you people in the U.K.

yes it's me again, very paranoid and worried Crystal.

Everyday I keep overthinking my situation until I see my gyne in 6 weeks time, the count down is on.

I want to continue to share my story with you all each week,incase someone else is going through a rather similar situation to me.

So just a question and concern, the cyst that I have on my right ovary that is 36mm in size and yet to be diagnosed.... are they very common to get cysts on your ovaries if you have endo? Could it be cancerous? Why don't they know what it is by seeing it in the pelvic ultrasound?.

I have no pain currently, but I am yet to get my period since my last period was during my lap operation. Maybe the pain might come on my next period? But is this normal to have a cyst with no pain?

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Crystalee profile image
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8 Replies
gwen80 profile image

Hi Crystal :-)

I think it is common to get cysts on your ovaries with endometriosis. I think the specific type of cyst which is caused by endometriosis on your ovary is called an endometrioma or chocolate cyst. Of course, there are other types of ovarian cyst as well.

I think any abnormal tissue has the potential to be cancerous until it's examined, but there are certain circumstances and tissues in the body where they know that cancer is more likely. Sorry I'm not familiar with your story, but I think if you have endometriosis and you have a cyst on your ovary, it will most likely be related to your endo. I assume this is why you're going to the gynae? So they will be able to advise you on what they think it is, considering your particular history.

I could be wrong, but I don't think ultrasound is able to detect different types of tissues to the level of being diagnostic for different types of cyst.

Take care


Crystalee profile image
Crystalee in reply to gwen80

Hello, thank you for your reply. I have shared some of my story on my page if you were interested to have a read. But to give you a brief idea, about 3 and a half weeks ago I went to hospital and had a lap done In what was thought to be appendix but it happened to be a ruptured chocolate cyst with 100mls of free blood, they cleaned around the blood and removed the appendix. I went back a week after and had a pelvic ultrasound in which they found a 36mm cyst on my right ovary and yet to be diagnosed.

My ca-125 was checked and came back with a reading of 34. Mind you I am 22 years old and stressing out. I don't want it to grow and become cancerous that is my biggest fear :(

CJR99 profile image

Hi Cystalee,

Good morning to you...the hardest part of this journey is the waiting,no doubt about it and I really want you to know you are not alone...

My cyst on right ovary was 6cm with a 2cm solid area and was picked up on US on May 30th.

It has been causing me lots of pain and sickness etc...I was fast tracked for surgery as the consultant wanted it out imminently....I have been convinced I also have endometriosis as all the symptoms matched(otherwise I'm 45,healthy,fit and very positive!)....28 June I had robotic TAH and removal of ovaries...super brave but,the right decision.They also repaired my kidneys and bladder which were covered in endo.Surgeon explained cysts and endo often accompany one another.Pain is infinitely better but,now I must wait to receive the pathology reports and pray for good news.....

Positive thought and deep breaths have got me to this point.I know it's incredibly hard when you are feeling unwell but,I sincerely hope you get the support you need and keep the faith.....

Best wishes,


Crystalee profile image
Crystalee in reply to CJR99

Hello, thank you for replying to me.

So your cyst was picked up through an ultrasound, may I ask what is robotic TAH I have never heard of this before? Is it cancerous? I pray you receive the news you are hoping for xxx

Once again I appreciate your kind words and taking your time to message me.

Crystal xx

CJR99 profile image
CJR99 in reply to Crystalee


You are so welcome and bless you I do feel for you I remember being your age and I know you have lots of questions and worries that you could well do without...

You have a whole life in front of you and please be strong this experience will make you a stronger lady.

Each story is individual of course I have just had a hysterectomy,for many other reasons not relating to the cyst(forgive the abbreviation)It was done robotically using keyhole surgery,totally amazing and I'm recovering well...It was total blessing they were able to remove all the endometriosis and I'm feeling stronger every day.I'm just waiting to get the all clear on fluids tested in my tummy and also on the ovaries removed

,my fingers and toes are crossed!

I believe the vast majority of cysts are benign and non-cancerous you are in very good hands I promise and there are lots of people to support you even millions of miles away!I'm in Newcastle in NE Uk by the way,please feel free to keep in touch sometimes we all need a little reassurance...

Keep smiling,keep positive it's very hard but,you will come through this and you will better and stronger....

Take care,Clare xx

Crystalee profile image
Crystalee in reply to CJR99

Hello, thanks for replying I'm from Australia! I have lots and lots of questions I'm so scared and everyone's been so reassuring but I can't stop thinking the worst. I keep thinking this cyst that I have inside me now is going to keep growing and turn into the worst possible outcome for me. I don't want to have trouble conceiving there's nothing I want more then to have children healthy. Thank you, I really do hope I will be okay I can't stop thinking the worst, I can't focus on anything my mind is everywhere. I'm pushing people away and feel so alone. 5 weeks until my next ultrasound and 6 weeks until I see the gyne. Count down is on, praying the cyst has disappeared and no need to operate or hear anymore bad news.

Thank you for your message and beautiful words xxx I wish you happiness and great health

CJR99 profile image
CJR99 in reply to Crystalee

Good morning Australia!

Such a great country and lots of sunshine!

Bless you I wish I could make all of your fears go away.I know it's very hard but,cysts are very common indeed.There is lots of information on the web but,often best to listen to the professionals.It is quite normal for the medical team to adopt a wait and see method as cysts often pass on without you even knowing it.I know it's very hard but,keep yourself busy doing the things you love and taking good care of yourself.

You have a great future ahead.I've lots of friends who have gynae problems and have beautiful can be one of those people.

I shall be thinking of you and promise to look after yourself and if you have any concerns pop to see your doctor and make sure they are aware you are a little frightened.

Always here if you need to chat...

Happy Saturday,Clare xx

Crystalee profile image
Crystalee in reply to CJR99

Thank you for your reply, actually it's currently winter in Australia so not much sun and lots of rain!!

Yeah I have heard they are common but i just don't know why I have one and what's the reason I like to think of myself as a healthy person, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke cigarettes, I eat rather healthy and I drink lots of water I also am rather fit. I am going to get another pelvic ultrasound done in 5 weeks and seeing the gyne for results in 6 weeks time!! I'm praying and hoping the cyst disappears. What I don't understand is 4 weeks ago I had a lap done as they thought it was my appendix and removed them anyway but it happened to be a burst "chocolate cyst" and had 100mls of free blood that they cleaned up. What I don't understand is why didn't any of the surgeons or doctors tell me there was endometriosis when they did my lap. Thank you for your kind words they are really comforting to know how wondering you are and on the other side of the world xxxxx

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