My pain has changed from deep, sharp pelvic pain on my right side to a dull, ache across my entire lower abdomen - a cramping pain I associate as period pain. Any ideas what it could mean?
My background: I've always had heavy and painful periods that could leave me unable to get out of bed . Then I had a few instances of severe pelvic pain in my left hand side. Following trips to A&E, scans etc. and four years later I was in constant pain that took over my life, impacting my work and my relationship. Its all I thought about every moment of every day.
I had a lap and they confirmed and removed the endo, and after a couple of weeks the pain did get better. It even went away completely for a few months. Then it started to come back - the same pelvic pain, but only intermittently so I could cope with medication etc.
But for the last month I've had near constant pain across my entire stomach, a cramping pain that I would normally expect to get during my period. The pelvic pain in there in the background too, but its this new (well new for it to happen without my period and for such a long time) that is worrying me. Any ideas why?