so finally after being back and forth and seeing a private doctors I have finally got answers I have now got 3 cysts in my left ovary and endometriosis around my body including my bowels and bladder. Ive been in so much pain and felt like nothing was getting taken seriously until I seen a private doctor now things are starting to get sorted! I have a pre operation assessment then I'm have a laparoscopy and the endometriosis burnt out which will give a good chance of getting pregnant after! just wanted a few questions answered as I'm panicking a bit:
does anyone else have bowel problems I'm in soo much pain in my stomach and my bum I cant go to the toilet even though I need to?
I'm really scared about the surgery has anyone been through it? how long does it take to recover? as I start my new job this month and worried it might affect it :/
if anyone wants a chat I'm not an expert on endometriosis but I know exactly what your going through and its not nice being alone always here anyone wants someone to talk to.
Thank you
Paige :)(