How long did you guys have to wait for your first lap after your pre op assessment? Just curious as some people seem to get one fairly quick while others get told around 3months
How long did you guys have to wait for your first lap after your pre op assessment? Just curious as some people seem to get one fairly quick while others get told around 3months
I had my pre op 6 weeks ago and my lap is on Monday x
I am still waiting for mine, bit confused tbh, went to see a specialist doctor he said yeah we will do a lap on you, all I have had back is a letter telling me everything I no, nothing else....have you had any other letters? X
I had pre op but was told it’s valid for 3 months and my consultant is booked up until past July! I’m a single mum and if it happens during summer holidays I’m fudged x
My pre op was 3 days before my surgery! I got told it had to be close to the surgery date for the information to be accurate (weight, blood pressure, etc. Especially your MRSA swabs!!)
I had mine a week after my pre-op, and was told that at that particular hospital they only allow up to two weeks to pass. Think each hospital is different though. Good luck xx
My pre op was on Monday and my lap is the 29th of this month! Hope that helps x
Every hospital is diff and depends on waiting times - I had my preop beginning of March and was told the earliest they’d do my surgery would be sept! Seems ridiculous as bp / weight etc could all change in that time! I’ve since moved care to a local hosp with same surgeon and now being seen end of the month for my lap. Have had to fight tooth and nail to get seen sooner. Hope your wait isn’t too long. Good luck xx