Hello Ladies,
I'm new to this forum, Ive PCOS diagnosed 16 years ago, one burst cyst and fertility issues due to very irregular periods. About 8 years ago my period started to become very regular and for the last 3 years I've been clockwork but I have also developed horrendous pain during my period. I found that I was almost debilitated for first 2-3 days of my periods but not true period pain (from what I remember back in my early teens). (TMI alert) I started to really struggle with being able to wee, poo and even pass wind. I remember googling painful pooing during a particularly bad period which my me cry out in pain when I tried to push. Even this googling didn't greatly throw up any light on the subject and alluded to IBS but as these period were getting worse endometriosis came up more and more when googling. I was really fortunate for about 18months that I came on my period on a Friday evening and was floored all weekend but now I'm tending to start my period on a Monday /Tuesday and I'm struggling to keep working due to the pain. Last month was first period I had to ring in sick at work and felt fraudulent saying I'm struggling with my periods but I couldn't even sit down properly due to pain. I saw my gp and shared that I think it may be endo and he agreed and I'm due to have first scan and consultation in two weeks.
I'm just coming to the tail end of my period but find they are getting worse. I guess my primary symptoms are immense pain when trying to wee and poo and painful bloating. It hurt to pass tiny amounts of wind. I have struggled this period with wind and bloating but have found that I haven't been able to pop for 2 days and seem that my bowel has slowed down over the period. I can only explain this as feeling like I have been backed up. I have had loads of pain & bloating today but only just feel normal ish have just done my 5th poo today.
I'm really sorry about this post but no googling is uncovering anything. Does anyone every suffer similar...Really struggling with wind and bowels even after period ended? It feel like I have held onto my poo because it simply couldn't pass out and I had lower abdo pain near belly button all week long with list of wind gurgling. It feels like I'm way to bloated to pass stools and hurts a great deal.
Thanks for taking your time to read this lengthy moaning post. I'd really value any experiences or advice.
Many thank you