Does anyone else with confirmed bowel and pod endo find it incredibly hard to pass wind whilst on a period? I have to use suppositories to go to a poo. But finding myself having to use one to pass gas’s I can feel build up during the day!
Bowel POD ENDO: Does anyone else with... - Endometriosis UK

I do! It's painful as hell. I tend to curl up into a ball hoping to pass gas but it feels like my bowel has kinked on the left side, so when I try to push the left side will swell and get painful, after a few days it's fine again.. urgh
I have endo in pod and bowel; I get terrible pain with bowels during my periods and trapped wind.
I hope you’re under a good endo specialist to treat endo in the bowel xoxo

I’m being seen in Portsmouth. They have been good so far all be it a little blahzay. (However you spell it )
My diagnostic lap in 2016 said mild endo on pod bladder and bowel and that it was lasered off, and I wouldn’t be having any more surgery and it wasn’t the cause of my pain. It’s taken me 2 years to be referred to Portsmouth. Had ap 2 weeks ago to discuss my mri of my bowel I had before Christmas. There was no deep penetration of the disease. But the lady I sore believed my symptoms and didn’t argue about doing another lap, unlike the one in 2016 I had to beg and they were convince they would find nothing. X
Oh sweetie that is horrible not to feel believed; I’ve been there myself with medics. It’s demeaning.
Luckily I am under a very good fertility specialist and he took my pain and symptoms seriously; even tho he originally believed that my symptoms and pain were bowel in origin he suggested a laparoscopy which endometriosis wa found and treated last June ( after ttc 5 years and 10 months with unexplained infertility ) our first fertility specialist was uninterested in finding the cause so I know how it feels to have a dismissive specialist. It isn’t good enough their not doing their jobs properly 😡 But like you I’m under a better specialist 😉
I conceived after lap and miscarried and to top it off like you my endometriosis returned. I had another laparoscopy 8 months later after my first one; sure enough it was back in pod and rectum 🤢 so as it returned so quickly apparently I’m prone to it recurring 🤦🏼♀️and as it is on my bowel my fertility specialist referred me to an endometriosis specialist who I’m seeing next week.
I have so pain and symptoms it’s so difficult 😔
I have heard lasering isn’t as effective as excision; ie removing the whole endo implants ..I think ladies are more sympathetic; my fertility specialist is a male but he’s very good.
Also the stage bares no resemblance to the pain and symptoms; any gynaecologist should know that seems very basic 😉Mine isn’t deep my bowel but it still cause many many symptoms. I’m hoping the endo specialist will remove the implants on my rectum😁
When’s your next lap? xoxo

Wow. I’m sorry to hear of your lose first of all Hun.
I have a pre op in June. And was told that could up to 3 months after.
In 2014 I went to Hospital with horrible right side pain, they said I was constipated (surely that’s left side? Lol) and they discharged me with laxatives, I got to the a&e doors waiting to be picked up and I passed out. They re admitted me had surgery in the morning and they found a 10cm mucunus cystanoma. It was growing quickly towards my stomach. I had a lap about a year after for a small cyst that wouldn’t go away, but it was my pain I kept going on about, that didn’t listen and didn’t look. Had my gallbladder out shortly after. It took me another year to get seen by another gyne. They were very dismissive saying they had been inside me 3 times in 2 years if there was anything to find they would of found it, I begged! And reluctantly they said they would do one more lap to see if there was adhesions from previous surgeries that could be causing the pain. In the recovery the surgeon came in said erm we found endometriosis on your bladder, bowel and pod. I started crying through relief I think.. he then said it was very mild it’s not the cause of your pain and you will NOT be having any more operations because he lasered it off! I was kicking off half asleep even the recovery nurse asked him to leave. X
Thank you 😘
Oh my god that sounds appalling poor you. I really don’t understand the lack of empathy; my fertility specialist when he removed endo from pod even tho it was just 2 spots believed that was the cause of the pain and infertility; I would’ve been devastated if he dismissed my level of pain. That gynae doesn’t sound like he really understands endometriosis; he could also work on his people skills 😡 I hope you complained 😘 And any decent gynaecologist knows endometriosis is a chronic condition; it can and often does re grow back; even the general gynaecologist that did my second lap said that. 🤦🏼♀️
Are you under a good specialist now? I hope you are. If you aren’t I think you should be; why should you put up with pain & symptoms that make you feel ill and impact on your life? I get cross when I think how badly is ladies are treated😡 we know our body and we know when something isn’t right 😡
my ex fertility specialist dismissed all my period issues ; he just shrugged his shoulders at me literally and said “ I don’t know why you can’t conceive as you already have a child”!!! Helpful 😆 he then discharged us with trying or ivf and we won’t find it as I have a child 🤦🏼♀️ All the gynae problems got worse and I ended up under several gynaes because the ex fertility specialist wouldn’t do his job cost the nhs more money 🙄 but I’ve got a brilliant fertility specialist who goes above and beyond and what a difference a good consultant can make 😁
I hope you get the pain sorted soon I know just how debilitating the pain can be xoxo