Hi all,
So I wanted a bit of advise...
I have severe endo and I am on the waiting list (again) for more surgery. Recently I've been experiencing right shoulder pain which runs down the front and back of my right shoulder, into my right arm and goes across the right side of my neck. When I experience the shoulder pain, my chest feels tight and I get a sharp deep pain to the right hand side of my chest when I breathe in. The pain is mixture of a muscular ache (it feels painful it lift my arm above my head and a sharp, deep pain.) It seems to be worse when my endo pain is worse, when I take painkillers ( tramadol daily) the pain subsides but comes back when the painkillers wear off.
This has happened during my past two cycles and disappeared shortly after my period but I didn't connect it with endo. At the time, I thought I had slept funny but I remembered thinking it was quite intense pain to have from just sleeping in a funny position as the pain felt a little bit like whiplash. I'm not ruling out that it could be other things but nothing in my lifestyle has changed recently and I haven't had any physical injury which would cause this. It seems odd that it is cyclical too.
I'm not sure if the two are connected but I have had a dry cough probably for the past 4 months, I don't cough everyday but when I do it's like a deep, chesty smokers cough - which always take me by surprises me. It's the sort of cough that would make you think you are developing a chest infection. I usually feel the need to clear my chest, like theres something moving around and I repeated dry cough, whatever is in my chest moves around but I don't cough it up, it just seems to resettle. I have heard people talk about bubbling and cracking sensation with diaphragm endo but I'm not sure if I would describe it that way.
Does anyone have diaphragmatic endometriosis? Can you advise of your symptoms and how you were diagnosed? Do my symptoms sounds similar
to yours? Did anyone think they have endo on their diaphragm but it turned out to be something else?
Any advice would be very helpful