Hello, I am new to this group but decided I needed to talk to people who understand what it's like to live with endometriosis. I feel like I'm constantly bloated. I've recently stopped taking a booster pill over my depo injection as I couldn't stop bleeding. Not sure if this has made things worse. Does anyone else suffer with painful bloating? What do you do to help it? I take codeine as that's the only thing that helps with the pain. Thank you for reading.
New here - advice for painful bloating.. - Endometriosis UK
New here - advice for painful bloating..

The pill can cause bloating,specifically before your period, but I found that eating endo friendly food and doing stretches cut the bloating down something shocking! x

Where can I find info on endo friendly food suitable stretches? I'm 4 days post lap, once I can stand up straight I'll be adding some stretching in! TIA x
Endo friendly diet cuts out dairy and gluten and a fee other things, but gluten and dairy were a big hindrance fore, and Google has some good pages if you Google endometriosis diet. And stretched are basically anything light, often from side to side or to open up the hips, especially if you are moving around a lot during the day!
The only thing that's helped my bloating is physiotherapy tape applied like this
As for stretching:
Pigeon pose
cat-cow pose
Warrior pose
Hi, it's a bit of a catch 22, for a long time I relied heavily on Codine as it was the only thing that would touch the pain, but I also found that this just makes it worse as codine will cause constipation and bloating, so it was a viscous cycle.
Can you talk to your gp about alternatives or introduce extra fiber into your diet to counteract it?
I personally don't touch the stuff anymore as I found it aggravated my endometriosis as much as it did ease the pain.
Everyone is different and obviously don't sit in pain... but it might be part of the problem, as it was for me.
I found that going gluten free eased my bloating tremendously. I hate the restrictions to my diet but I wouldn't go back now. Yoga also helps with pains and gas. Gentle stretches and even walking can help alleviate some of the discomforts. If you sit down all day at work (like me) I find walking around for a few minutes each hour helps a lot. Another thing I do is avoid tight clothing around my stomach area. This helps ease the discomfort that comes from excessive bloating.
I hope this helps and you begin to feel better xoxo

Thanks so much. The yoga point is really interesting. I've signed up to a class to try it out. All my clothes are tight fitting apart from my pj's. I will invest in some loose trousers and dresses x