I had my laparoscopy 6 weeks ago and in each of my cuts it looks like a stitch is still hanging out. At first I thought it was the scab but didn't think 6 weeks after I would still have scabs. Is it right to have stitches hanging out or could it be a scab? I'm so confused and don't want to waste a doctors appointment if it's nothing.
6 weeks after laparoscopy : I had my... - Endometriosis UK
6 weeks after laparoscopy

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Jump to repliesI went to see my consultant for a follow-up appointment a few weeks after the lap and they removed the remaining stitches. I was told they don't always dissolve as they are meant to. It was very quick and easy to remove them. Worth double checking at the docs I think.

I have a follow up in two weeks time, do you think it's worth waiting for that or see my gp before. Does it hurt when the remove them?
It didn't hurt when they were removed. I wouldn't wait for the follow up as they can be done at the local GP surgery as explained below.
I don't have a scab on my belly button one at all, that is defiantly a stitch hanging out, but the other two I wasn't sure about.
It shouldn't hurt when they are removed. My mum did mine as she is a nurse (lucky me, personal sevice!) but she said otherwise I should make an appointment with the practice nurse at my surgery, rather than the actual GP. She also told me that they probably hadn't dissolved as I had been carefully keeping them dry. So maybe spend a bit longer in the shower now you're healing!
Hi there. When I had my first lap I was given dissolvable stitches and was told that they may or may not dissolve!
I was told to make an appointment with the nurse at my GPs surgery to have them removed if they were still there after a couple of weeks. All they'll do is cut them to the skin so the appointment is super quick. You're not wasting anyone's time. And if it is some kind of scab, the nurse will hopefully be able to give you advice to help them heal quicker.