Aching and bleeding after going to far wh... - Endometriosis UK

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Aching and bleeding after going to far when masturbating

17 Replies

I hit my cervix when masturbating the last 2 days. I didn't masturbate yesterday to stop the potential of making it worse. It was aching last night bad like a cramp and i'm honestly extremely worried. I'm not cramping any more but i've noticed after I showered today that I was bleeding when I patted my vagina dry. I have hypochondriasis and i'm freaking out so bad. I'm terrified I ruined something big time. I recently got off my period around very early September (1-5th of September) if that does anything, but it's not dark brownish blood, it's bright red. What do I do to help? Should I just wait and see if it eases? I'm walking as I type this and I am feeling a strange tingling sesation. I took the shower I mentioned an hour and a half ago. Thank you for your time.

17 Replies

It dawned on me that I do not have endometriosis and I may have just posted this to the wrong place all together. I apologize, but if any of you happen to have advice I would really appreciate it.

You might've caused a scar to happen in your vagina, it usually takes about 2 days to heal.

Make sure you use lube or your wet enough before penetration otherwise you aren't doing yourself any favours. Also your cervix lengthens upon arousal if it's not high enough you'll hit it and it might cause bruising.

I would contact an nurse line, believe me they've seen a lot worse, if you go to ER and have a chatty nurse you can hear funny stories.

You could also go to the ER and get it checked out with a speculum.

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Is it okay if I do not contact a nurse line and wait the two days? It's the second day after and there is a lot of discomfort. I didn't use toys or anything either.

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Are your nails sharp?

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If it's the 2nd day I would contact a nurse just b/c you might've hurt yourself more then just scarring or bruising.

If you can look at your vagina in the mirror and check for any cuts

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Where could I start?

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Look in the mirror with your legs apart, you should see an area of skin around your labia, that is your hymen, it stays through childbirth, it's a flexible membrane, it might hurt to touch it.

You probably don't have a speculum so doing an internal won't work but you can look for your cervix by putting a finger in and reaching as far as you can looking for something that feels like the tip of your nose.

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What should I be feeling for if it's hurt?

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It would hurt if it's your cervix

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I recently clipped them before so that might be why.

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Here's an article you can read about bleeding

If you had orgasm it might be why b/c your uterus and cervix contract.

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I'm in wind ensemble sectionals, so I cannot check anything right now. I went to the bathroom just now though and there was blood when I wiped. I'm honestly panicking bad. My family is not religious whatsoever but my mom is extremely digusted by sexual anything and she already really does not like me for being lgbt. I'm honestly terrified of getting help from my family. I am 18 and I attend a uni. I honestly have no single idea what to do. How can I contact a nurse without having to talk to my family?

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There should be a number online for a nurse helpline call on a pay phone, if your 18, it's your business & not theirs, the dr's don't have to tell them.

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Okay, I thought about it more about what happened. I decided to masturbate one day and after I was done there was a very little dab of blood when I pulled out my finger. I thought I was just spotting since my period ended a little while ago. There was bleeding the next day in my underwear when I woke up and I thought it was just natural period spotting. So that day I went again. The same thing happened. I think I hurt my cervix and I thought it was okay, so I went again probably hurting it even more. Does that mean I should wait longer for it to heal?

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I have no idea, we aren't doctors on this site from my understanding it should take 2 days to heal maybe 3.

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Thank you for your help though, talking to someone about it really helped me calm down. My hypochondriasis has been very bad all day and i've been almost crying multiple times, but talking to someone about it helped.

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Your welcome:)

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