I know endometriosis causes tiredness but does anyone know why?its not due to heavy bleeding in my case as I have a coil which calms the bleeding down.
Thanks treez
I know endometriosis causes tiredness but does anyone know why?its not due to heavy bleeding in my case as I have a coil which calms the bleeding down.
Thanks treez
I think it might be something to do with the inflammation, which our bodies then work to fight which uses energy. X
I would also rule out other possibilities my daughter was struggling to stay awake most days and it turned out she had a vitamin be 12 deficiency as well as endo it might be worth getting it checked out Good luck
Thanks I don't think it that I've recently had my bloods done thinking something might show up but they were fine.
They don't test b12 in a Normal blood test though
Same here I have b12 deficiency anaemia and folate deficiency although I have been on tablets and injections for a long while don't feel any better x