Hey all
Just going in to my first would be period week since going on the pill to control them and only have them every three months. Do people find this works ? Does it control the pain when you would have had a period ?
Hey all
Just going in to my first would be period week since going on the pill to control them and only have them every three months. Do people find this works ? Does it control the pain when you would have had a period ?
It worked well for me after a cyst removal but the Endo did gradually get worse. Periods were lighter and easier to manage. Try and get progesterone only, visanne is good or a minipill with more progesterone.
I was on Yasmin which still has ostrogen in it. Gave me migraines in the end and had to stop.
Good luck.
I also have been put on the pill back to back for 3 month I'm 41 and never been on the pill before it was for my adenomyosis to see if a hysterectomy would resolve my bowel and bladder issues. I managed a month but came off at first period as felt so awful on it it made me so teary and depressed I couldn't function my period has been alot lighter though and didn't get the ovulation pain as much but still got some and still have bowel and bladder pain on it but maybe didn't give it long enough ?? So difficult to get a GP appointment difficult to change to a different pill which may agree with me better. Sorry i not that much help ......have you noticed an improvement in pain levels?
I'm taking the pill back to back too. Due to have period on the weekend, and I'm not looking forward to it but its nowhere near as bad as when I didn't take the pill. I think it definitely helps in that respect. But then I don't see much difference between period pain taking the pill normally or the pain when tricycling it. For me it just means that I have less periods over the year which is far better than having one every month!
Hi. I'm starting the pill tomorrow and I also hope it'll help with the pain and the amount of bleeding. The period has been terrible. Im looking forward in having less periods!!
Can I ask what do you mean by 'back to back' pls!! Thank you.
All the best.
usually you take the pill for 3 weeks (depending on what type of pill you're on, im on microgynon 30) and then you have a break for a week and during this time your period will start. I'm taking it back to back for 3 months at a time. Cause i don't stop taking it I don't have a period for about 3 months ish . So I have less periods a year essentially. Hope this garbled reply makes sense! lol
Thanks everyone who left comments. Much appreciated. I asked this question before I was due , yesterday, or would have been if not taking pill back to back.
Two evenings ago normal endo back pain started. Relatively mild on first day , like usually, but second day horrible. I was up in pain since 3pm. Just could not get comfortable with the pain. I'm really disappointed and down heartened that what they thought would help has not , or at least notyet anyway . I hahave only been taking it about 5 weeks so far. I could also feel ovulation pain when that happened and I know it supposed to stop that too.
This is just sole destroying at the moment x x