My original complaint about my periods was they got heavy all the sudden in the summer of 2015 (when I was 16). I got my 1st period at 8/9 and it skipped me and then came back really light.
So I went to my doctor and she gave me something to help with the flow (not birth control it was a pain killer thing) then it didn't help so I came back a month later and was given Marvelon. I was on Marvelon for 6 days before the panic attacks started then I stopped, after stopping I had 3 periods all 5 days apart. And with each one (although they were light) I developed more pain and wasn't able to eat. I developed pelvic pain for the 1st time to then. After the last period I had severe constipation (never happened) and passed a kidney stone (the doctors didn't know why since my tests came back fine).
I was referred to a Gynocologist after that, and about a month ago she gave me the Nuva ring and diagnosed me with endometriosis, said I was probably infertile (I'm 17) and told me to google the condition as well do a hormonal blood test.
I came back 2 weeks later because the nuvaring caused an infection as well as cervical pain when it was in, I also developed chest pain which I went to the ER for and it had no known cause. The ring was covered in clumpy white discharge when I took it out and I was tested for every infection but BV and a yeast infection (I've had itching and burning that's still going on and if it doesn't clear up after this period I'm going to get swabs done.)
Anyway I also developed toxic shock from the ring I slept for about an entire week after taking it out and having my period.
When I saw the gyn again for the swabs she forgot who I was, what I was diagnosed with and gave me loloestrin, saying if it didn't work I'd next be put Depo or lupron.
So I tried lolo, I had an allergic reaction and migraine I only got when I ate nuts (before I knew I was allergic). I called the clinic and the nude told me to continue, and that when I decided to switch gyns.
I couldn't get in to see my doctor until last week, she did tests on my kidneys but nothing came up and now I'm on my period, which has only lasted 3 days and today I've been spotting.
The 2 days before my period I had such bad pain I couldn't move so yet again I missed a week of school. The 1st day of this period gave me pelvic pain (shooting) and then ovary pain so bad I thought I had appendicitis that faded and then centre chest pain (pressure) that went away too after I slept.
To say the least I'm confused and I don't know what to do and I've lost some friends because I've been missing school and going out with them. My mom keeps saying that maybe I have an ulcer, or another issue and that maybe there's something else going on that's 'treatable' so that's stressing me out too.