Hi ladies, I was given mefenemic acid on weds for bad hip pain, it now feels like it's my sciatic nerve as its right at the top of my thigh, is it worth going back for something different? I'm supposed to be going out for my birthday tomorrow night but not feeling great about it at the moment
Sciatic pain: Hi ladies, I was given... - Endometriosis UK
Sciatic pain

I have just phoned the surgery, they have put me down for a call back from the doctor so I will see what they say!
Just been given solpadol which you can't drink with, this is turning out to be a great birthday lol
Oh no I'm really suffering with this atm as well been taking naproxen and tramadol but at times nothing helps. Hope you still have a good birthday despite this x
This solpadol has worked really well, the pain went, just starting to wear off now so going to take some more, have you tried that? X
I use mefanamic acid on a daily basis, after trying all the others naproxen etc, mefanamic is the only one that helps, but then it is specific for pelvic pain, they stopped it last year, my gp said it had become black listed and was being stopped, she said 'studies suggested that ibruprofen does the same' I said to her they should try having endo and then tell me that inbuprofen does the same, because it doesn't. I really struggled to get it, she'd write the prescription for me, but I was running around the whole town looking for a chemist that still had them in stock, now it appears they're back in, maybe the study changed its mind ;). I use co-codamol regularly, tramadol rarely, as they knock me out. Majority of my daily pain is front left pelvis and left lower back, and going down my leg, when on period it's pretty much like labour xx
Hi, your symptoms sound the same as what I've had, I had a stabbing pain above my right hip whilst on my period and then a week later I had the really bad hip pain which had me in tears, I don't know why it came a week later, the mefenamic acid I was given got rid of that but I was still left with the sciatic pain. I'm waiting for a scan appointment but lots of people say the scans don't show anything up. X
Scans don't show endo, even mri didn't, they obviously show cysts though, very scan I'm always showing a cyst usually on each ovary of around 5-7cm, but it would seem it's different ones each time, but I'm pretty sure that's why I feel pain around the sciatic area, must be pushing on it xx
Pretty much 24/7 it's always there, just in varying degrees of how painful it is, I've had a real bad bout this last two weeks xx
Oh no this is the first time I've had it and it was about a week or so after my period and it all seemed to flare up after I'd spent time weeding the garden so I'm not sure if it's all related or not! X
when i think back i have always suffered the dull sciatic pain, since my early teens, i didn't know any different, i can remember when i'd be out with friends just at the park etc, i'd have to lay down to relieve the back ache, they all thought i was very strange. i'm 44 now, things got bad for me around 35, they were already bad, but life changing at 35, planning work and life around my periods, and then the periods timings went from being monthly to just constant, with barely a days break. One night i was in so much pain, i thought i might have been pregnant and not known, as it was exactly like labour, and thats when i started seeking help. i had numerous scans, mri's, hysteroscopies, mineral coil, finally after three years i got a laparoscopy and was diagnosed stage 4 endo, none removed as they just wanted to put me on the waiting list for a full hysterectomy, which i don't feel is the answer. looking for different options now xx
It sounds dreadful I'm 32 and have had back trouble on and off for 6 years since having my 3rd and final child. I've always been in pain with my back after doing the gardening in those 6 years but never in my hips like this, I was in tears it hurt so much and like you the period pain has gradually been getting worse, I've always been heavy but never suffered with pain until a year ago. I hope you can find a treatment you are happy with, it sounds like they are just taking the easy route with you before trying other options. X
it does sound awful, as i was writing it i thought ooh should i, but you kind of just get used to it all, as have you so far, it becomes the norm. be firm with who you deal with, you know your own body, and you need to get the treatment you need.
i researched a lot after my diagnosis, i found different foods affected me too, the usual culprits bread wheat etc, steak, coffee, i also lost some weight which helped, i also had a endometrial ablation which has made me periods not so heavy, but its supposed to take them away completely. just lately my diet and exercise has slipped, my sister has cancer and my dad has alzeimers, so i've kind of put myself bottom of the list, time to sort myself out again and carry on the fight to get my treatment, instead of being fobbed off with a bog standard hysterectomy. xx
I'm awaiting my scan appointment and the doctor said he will refer me a gynaecologist too so at least I know things are starting to be investigated and he didn't just try and fob me off. Yes you need to look after yourself in order to be able to help others. Thanks for the diet advice, I will keep that in mind X