I've been an endo sufferer for about 5 years now (although only finally diagnosed 2 years ago) and originally I was on contraception (pill and Mirena coil) to control it. However in October last year, my partner and I decided to stop contraception to begin "trying" for a baby (I say "trying" because we're not monitoring my cycle, more just seeing what happens).
Anyway, i've always suffered with tiredness, even on contraception, but i've noticed in recent months that exactly 2 weeks before my period is due, I begin to get the warning signs of the time of the month - pains & bloating etc. and with it I get EXTREME fatigue. No matter how much sleep I get, I always wake up feeling as though i've only had a couple of hours. My eyes sting, I feel almost dizzy, and I can't get the motivation to do anything and it's really starting to get me down.
My partner and I have just purchased our first home and it needs a lot of work done to it, and in my head i'm raring to get on with stuff and really want to make it into our home, but when I come to it, I just literally don't have the energy to do it and all I want to do is lay down and relax.
I also really struggle to get myself motivated for work and find myself trying to think up excuses for not going in and sometimes I think I should just listen to my body and not worry about work and take the time off, but obviously I don't want to lose my job over this and plus I find that as supportive as my partner and my parents etc. are, no one really understands how I feel and think i'm just being lazy and whenever I try to explain how I feel and how ridiculously tired I am, it just comes out sounding like excuses and so I feel as though they are disapproving if I do decide to take time off.
I just really don't know what to do any more. All I want to do is sleep and I'm so tired I feel as though I want to cry all the time. Does any one else struggle with fatigue, or know how you can try manage it and make it not so bad? I don't want to feel like this any more - I want to feel like me again and have the energy to get on and do things.
Please help me