Hey guys so I was on prostap for 6months and came of that and was told to stay on my patch for three months but 2 weeks before my due lap my books were so painful so.i decided to have my first period in about 8 months and then I had my lap yesterday they didn't find any endometriosis but I have already been diagnosed with it could it be possible that's it's underlining or that my prostap has cause it to not show anymore as I no the pain my endo gives me I no the different pain so I no then when I get endo pain it's endo pain anyone help I.dont want to go back and get.messed about I can't go.throught it x
In need of advice : Hey guys so I was on... - Endometriosis UK
In need of advice

Was you seen in general gyne or at a bsge centre?? Some gynes tend to miss endo in certain areas, x
General gynaecologist I no the pain that I get I no it to we'll and my worry if I'm.gonna go to my post op appoint and there gonna say have you got this and that when I no its not and they won't listen
Hi , are you with a general gynaecologist or at a BSGE centre?
General gynaecologist I no the pain that I get I no it to we'll and my worry if I'm.gonna go to my post op appoint and there gonna say have you got this and that when I no its not and they won't listen
Hi I would suggest you go back to GP and ask for a referral to a BSGE centre. General gynaecologists tend to miss endo , as they only really look at reproductive organs, plus they don't always recognise all presentations of the disease. You know your own body so don't give up . You deserve the best treatment from the best possible surgeon. Good luck.