Dental problems and Endo?: HI Everybody I... - Endometriosis UK

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Dental problems and Endo?

sallyannett profile image
7 Replies

HI Everybody

I have suffered from terrible endometriosis for years - but additionally have had horrendous dental issues - has anyone else had this parallel ? My dentist thinks they may be linked via immune system overloads?



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sallyannett profile image
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7 Replies
attummi1973 profile image

hi sally

,after being diagnosed with endo 18months ago,after a ruptured endometrioma,i then went on to have a wisdom tooth out 6months later and an infection in another tooth shortly  after that eventually needed to be taken out...prior to the cyst rupture i had no dental issues and didnt even have and still do not have a filling,im 43 by the way,and realise now i was misdiagnosed at age 19 with IBS.

take care,angela.

hanlouxxx profile image

Hi Sally,

I've had terrible gum problems since around the same time my endo started, not sure if they are related but would be interested to know. Seems when I have a flare up, my gums get more sore so maybe they are?


symcurly profile image

What kind of dental problems are you having ??

symcurly profile image

Ive only just been diagnosed with endometriosis but I do have and I've always had dental problems I've lost five teeth over the course of a few years due to cavity issues and abscesses I've got a lot of fillings and suffer with constant soreness in one extraction site that the dentist can't seem to figure out I also have sensitive teeth and cannot eat chocolate or any sweet stuff without constant sensitive pain I've also had gingivitis in the past but gum disease does run in my family I don't know if endo could cause problems with the dental area but if your dental issues started during the time of endometriosis then it could be linked 

sallyannett profile image

Hi - thank you everyone for your answers - since my late teens have had terrible dental problems (now 47) which seem episodic (there are other factors such as impacted wisdom teeth which have made things worse) but I now have only 18 teeth left after failed attempts at root canals usually followed by extraction. Tens of abscesses throughout, and in the same teeth over and over, flaring up at times of endo. flare ups or during hormonal changes such as pregnancy.

But horrific pain. The suggestion has been that when I have an endo flare up, my immune system is focused on that (distracted/depleted??), and so any infection in my teeth and gums is no longer surpressed as effectively.

I would be very interested to gather some data or start some thinking around this.

I also think it has also meant that taking pain killers for extreme dental pain masked some of the endo. pain earlier on and delayed a diagnosis. It has also affected my pain levels, i.e. my ability to tolerate pain has been increased.

xnanookx profile image
xnanookx in reply to sallyannett

I could have wrote this...I'm 31 have cavities, infections, fillings, teeth breaking for no reason, abscess galore! I've wondered if there was a connection for a long dentist always has a look of disgust like I've never brushed my teeth and she's always a bit judgey I'm gonna put this to her and say SEE all those years I've told you I DO brush regularly I DO have good oral hygiene I was only diagnosed a year ago...incidentally I was diagnosed with GERD and acid reflux just Feb this year I'm almost certain as a direct result of Endo xx

Tracey4668 profile image

I have suffered for 6 years with endo but only had a diagnosis in Jan this yr and am currently on the waiting list. I have noticed that my gums bleed around my period and my dentist has confirmed that due to hormonal changes, yes the gums react and are prone to bleeding. So in turn i guess teeth would then be affected.

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