Hi Ladies and gents, I’m “Danny”, a 43 year guy who’s been married for 10 years and is now faced with a problem X 3.
As the tile suggests, my wife has quite severe endometriosis and after 3 failed IVF cycles it is clear that this is also having a serious impact on my wife’s ability to bear a child. She is 38 and is getting desperate as the doctors say that viable eggs are running out ( one ovary is blocked by endo) and we have none frozen. There are also cultural pressures as Indians with large extended families. All the above is sad for her/us but I can accept that sometimes in life you get dealt a shitty hand however it is the third “problem” that has just,these evening, arose. My sister is pregnant again (1st IVF 11years after having her first kid). This should be a moment of joy but as the evening has worn on it has plunged my wife into a depressed, angry, state of mind which to my mind must be a form of jealousy. I’m trying to be compassionate and understand but she’s not having it and blaming our misfortune on things that have happened in the past ( misdemeanours real and percieved), questioning whether we are just bad luck together and generally all sorts of stuff that I think of as nonsense but I do understand that it hurts when ppl around you are fulfilling their wishes and you aren’t and that messes with your mind. Sorry if I’m rambling but the essence of all this is that I don’t really know how to handle it. One part of me doesn’t see the logic of seeing someone else, someone close being happy and getting unhappy about it. I know she wishes my sister well but I know that my wife will not want to see the bump, the baby shower, all the festivities to come because it will remind her of what she wants the most.
Any advice received is gratefully accepted as I love my wife and want to get my response right 🙏🏽