I have had 3 of the monthly injections and not really had many side effects. Consultant has suggested the next one, due this Friday, is the 3 monthly injection to save going back each month. Has anybody done this before and have you noticed any differences?
Monthly Prostap to 3 monthly Prostap - Endometriosis UK
Monthly Prostap to 3 monthly Prostap

Yes, and I'm sorry to say I wouldn't recommend it at all. Things seemed to be 'normal' for the fist month, started going a bit weird in the second month, and by about six-eight weeks in my body seemed to have rejected it all and I've had to start back on the monthly injections again. Different for everyone, I imagine, but a failed experiment for me.
I've had 2x 3 month ones. 1st one was fine, felt like I had more energy, this 2nd one I've had noticed I'm more tired, like wanting to go bed at 9pm tired, knees are painful, awful bad dreams and night sweats, plus hasn't stopped my periods at all, I've continued to have them and they just as painful.
I'm on Prostap till my next surgery date, I'm praying they can fit me in before I have to have another dose.
Sorry to hear the good first one didn't replicate in the second one. I seem to have been tired for ages, even before I started on Prostap, aching feeling in bottom of back, bum and top of leg, aching bones and some night sweats since being on Prostap but have had SOME pain relief from stabbing pains. Not sure whether to ask to continue on the monthly injections instead of the 3 monthly ones.
Hope you get your surgery date soon X
Oh forgot about those lovely stabbing feelings. Me too had ache in lower back/bum, we sound like we have similar symptoms.
I just don't know what it means that my periods haven't stopped.
Thank you, hope you are not the same if you decide to have the 3 month injection.
Keep me posted x
Thanks and will do. I am waiting to see a bsge specialist in Chester after reading posts on here, especially Lindle, and then asking my general gyny for a referral. Hopefully get appointment soon as I have insurance which will cover it so can go privately (if insurance not cover it think I will pay for initial consultation so as to get things moving, so to speak lol!)
All the best X