Well today finally got my appointment im requesting a laparoscopy but lets see if they fob me off or try to.i basically begged for a referral so im not goin that easy will keep u posted.
Gyne appointment: Well today finally got my... - Endometriosis UK
Gyne appointment

Good luck
Thankyou I will defo have a look at your posts ,why to avoid lap tho ?
She is saying avoid having a lap done to remove endo by a general gynae as they are not specialised to removed endometriosis, that's why you should be referred to a bsge centre so specialised and skilled surgeons who deal with endometriosis can remove it properly xxx
Hi kagz, I am very new to this community so this is my first reply. I have had painful periods for a few years now. I even had pain which seemed to get worse whilst on the combined pill. I have been on the pill since I was 17 and through to my late 20's. I came off the pill in my late 20's and the pain became much worse with each period so I was referred to a gyno. I have been battling with several different combined pills for about 9 months as this was agreed with my gyno to supress 'possible' endo. I have now given up on the pill as I have had so many side effects, so I am back to square one. The gyno doesn't want to perform the laparascopy until my husband and I have decided to have children which we aren't ready for yet (I am aged 31), because the endo can come back and the op can be damaging to my fertility.
I am really curious how things are with you and I hope all goes well with your appointment. It's nice to know I am not the only one out there so I am glad I have found this community to compare notes with girls/women.
I have currently been prescribed Mefenamic to help reduce my periods, curious if anybody else has tried them?
Thank you, Kelly x

Hiya kelly dont see why they carnt do a laparoscopy I had one 9 yrs ago and have a 2 yr old so dint no why he is fobing u off,have u had a scan on ur abdomen,endo seems to gi when ur pregnant no symptoms whatsoever but after it comes back with avengers.
My appointment went well actually, no laparoscopy but booked in for a scan then if that doesn't show anything then a laparoscopy which is a result for me .😊
Hi kagz, I am glad your appointment went well I haven't pushed for the laparoscopy as I agreed with my gyno to suppress my severe period pain and ovulation pain by taking the pill. Since this isn't working out for me I will go back soon and discuss a laparoscopy. I understand they don't want to whip me straight in for an operation if it can be treated for now by being on the pill. That's great you had a child 9 years later but I may not be that lucky as every women is different and I have no idea if we want children yet, or at all so I guess that's where the problem lies.... As the gyno explained if Endo is there and removed it can come back worse so he doesn't want anything to jeopardise my future plans of pregnancy. On my first gyno appointment they did an external and internal scan and everything looks ok, but as he explained to me Endo can only be picked up from a laparoscopy. I have been prescribed mefenamic for now to see if it helps with period pain so fingers crossed that helps as I really don't want the laparoscopy unless I have to. It's frustrating not knowing what is officially wrong but I don't want anything to jeopardise having children in the future and as I am now 31 I am running out of time and if we want children I can't see that being for a couple of years at least. It's all very frustrating and stressful
my last period before going bank on the pill I needed 2 days off work
thanks for your reply x
Well had appointment and consultant is booking me in for a scan,he seems to think that it wont show anything and that my symptoms may not be gyne related, but after the scan. If nothing shows he will book me in for a laparoscopy,so waiting game again .
Thankyou I have had a look at ur posts and it does sound like I have that too im quite confused as to wot the consultant said ,he said my symptoms dont sound like endo, cud be fibroids,cysts or maybe not even gynecological so im wondering now,till I get a scan.
I can definitely understand were ur coming. But ye its horrible not knowing. Wots going on in ur body and with the pain aswell,the pill just never agreed with me all I done was bleed of them,hope u have more good days than bad x
That's where I'm even more frustrated!! Running the combined pill stopped my periods so I had no pain for 9 months.... It's the side effects from pill I've had, spots, bowel changes, dryness causing thrush and feeling down. I never had any of these problems on pill for 10 years!!!! Frustrated lol! Xx
Ano wot ur goin through it is frustrating 😌x
Totally understand that,makes sense your very knowledgeable in these areas.