I've been in this endo battle for almost 20 yrs! There are times that I feel hopeless and helpless but trying to be strong for my 4 y.o son. By joining this group, Im looking forward not only to read various testimonies about endo but to be empowered and enlightened by strong women in this group who have the same or even worse case than me. Today is another milestone in my endo journey!
Today is my day and feeling positive! - Endometriosis UK
Today is my day and feeling positive!

Good to hear!!! Thanks for sharing x
I experienced the same, for years with no relief. However, last May, I discovered a treatment which has seemingly cured my endometriosis, PCOS, related pain, and ALL symptoms. Apparently, many of us are estrogen dominant (birth control pills make it seriously worse because of the synthetic estrogen) and the elevated estrogen in our bodies throws the body out of synch. I began using an over the counter progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) which is also available online. I used it religiously morning and night...into the second month of using it; huge results. No more cyclical migraines, horrible ovarian pain that lasted for days, cysts, or ANY of the terrible issues that I had been experiencing for years. I've currently been on it for right at a year and have never had such regular periods and been so pain free in many years. All of my migraines and 'sinus' migraines and allergies have quit too. I am not taking any birth control pills or anything that could possibly increase estrogen, as the progesterone naturally balances it and counteracts the effects of estrogen...thus, the ovarian pain from my ovaries being literally fried by too much estrogen has totally stopped... I first started experiences all of those symptoms with the use of birth control pills when in my early twenties...I am now in my mid thirties. Months after using progesterone the endometriosis, all symptoms of it, literally vanished as the elevated estrogen was no longer worsening it, etc. This is just my personal experiences but please consider reading up on estrogen dominance and the use of progesterone to counteract too much estrogen! It literally gave my life quality again and ended all of my pain and the constant sickness.
Thank you EricaJ26 for sharing your story and happy to hear that there are still cases of endo that can be treated or supressed. I had one of my kidney removed last yr so im taking extra precaution in taking any medicine. I will check with my doctor and hoping that this cream is available here in egypt.
Thanks and wish you all the best!