I was diagnosed with endo in August 2014 via a lap. I had it lazered but the pain never really went away. I was having daily pain for 2 years with symptoms such as bleeding after sex, pain during sex, missed periods, long periods etc.
I had another lap done 3 weeks ago and they said no endo was found even though they pinned all my pain to my endo growing back. I had the mirena coil fitted and since then I have noticed that I no longer have endo pain every day.. so surely if the coil is supposed to help with endo pain and the pain I was having has now disappeared, then endo is still there?!
Just a little thought...
My consultant and the nurses were useless after my 2nd op, no apt was booked in afterwards and I had so many questions that were left unheard. Thought I would post on here instead!