I'm ovulating at the moment but my left ovary is KILLING this evening, going down in to my thigh and feels very bloated. Never had pain in my ovary before. Lap next Monday. Can anyone shed any light? really really panicking now and I know it's not long but I can't help it and I'm not sleeping properly xx
Ovary pain?!: I'm ovulating at the moment... - Endometriosis UK
Ovary pain?!

I feel your pain. I've had the pain n ovaries go to back and legs. Ibprofen and a heating pad helps. My doc actually has to also give me hydrocodone to take with the ibprofen! Relax n a bath. I've found the more u tense up the worst the pain can get. Wish I knew techniques as I have the worst periods ever also!
I've had 2 laps and felt really good for a couple years after the first and the 2 nd didn't seem to help as long
I had that for a few weeks before my lap, it's so horrible and unnerving. Your lap should help, I'm just recovering from mine so we're in this together! Xx
I get ovulation pain monthly, I find using a heat pad helps, along with paracetamol and ibruprofen, if the pain is really bad ask your gp for tramadol.
I used to get this pain every month before I started the mini pill. Heat pad and lay down should help. It only ever lasted a few hours with me. Ibuprofen and paracetamol too xx
Yup - all that sounds familiar. I find the thigh pain really disturbing and until I found out it was linked to endo and adeno, I was convinced I was developing deep vein thrombosis or something! But gyno reassured me that it's just part of it. Ovary pain can be very sharp too.
My lap didn't do anything to improve my endo unfortunately, but that's not the case for everyone so don't get discouraged and good luck!