Hi, who has this or has experience with it ? I'm waiting a laproscopy symptoms leg pain sharp pains, twinges in legs/groin lower back ache. Pressure on my bowel always make me feel like I need toilet. Occasional sharp pain up inside vagina area upto abdomen. Can anyone relate ? How does this endo get diagnosed ? Thank you
Recto vaginal endo : Hi, who has this or... - Endometriosis UK
Recto vaginal endo
I have stage 4 endometriosis involving recto-vaginal endo....it was diagnosed from a laparascopy...yes i can relate to these symptoms and definitely pressure around the bottom area...also slow bowel pattern.
Sounds just like me at the moment, I'm waiting for my next gyni app through.... Horrible isn't it. At least you will get more info when you have you lap done.. Take care xxx
I have similar pains & just got a clean colonoscopy report. Do you think it's Endo?
Have you had a laproscopy ? I'm on the waiting list for mine. Typical my symptoms have gone at the moment

I haven't, because we thought there would be a clue in the colonoscopy. Both my gastro & gyne have said if that's fine then it's either Endo or adhesions or both. They also said sometimes the surgery isn't helpful because it can come back :-(. I'm going to take a break from all this testing for awhile if I can stand the pain.
Oh blimey. As far as I'm aware the only way to tell is laproscopy that's the first thing they should do before colonoscopy if endo is suspected. Even if it might not help with pain at least you can get the diagnosis which is why I'm going in. My pains aren't to bad but for peace of mind what my pains have been for the last few years I'm going to have it done are you in uk xx

I'm in US. They did colonoscopy because it's less invasive and no general anesthesia. I will talk to my gyne about lap. Thanks!
Hi this sounds exactly like what I have but the doctors just keep saying it must be ibs (which I know I don't have!) How have you gotten the doctors to take you seriously with this? My leg pain is excruciating all the time! Have the doctors told you anything that can help it? I'm so fed up with having docs look at me like I'm overreacting 😔
Have you had a laproscopy ? I'm waiting for mine. My pains have gone lately but they do come & go. I don't know how IBS can hurt your legs and ovary area I don't no lol vod luck xx

I always associate the leg pain with ovaries, because I had torsion and necrosis and the leg pain turned up to 100. I have IBS, and it does not seem to trigger leg pain often. Still, hard to say, so much is happening in that space...
My first surgeon didn't even address this. With my new doctor, I had an endoscopy to look for endo infiltrating inside the bowels, but they didn't see any fortunately. My doctor did a rectal exam and thought she could palpate a couple nodules, and they were sharply painful. They would hurt at that same spot before and during bowel movements, especially during menstruation. When I have my period I feel like everything's going to fall out.
I would also have pains going down the fronts of my legs to my instep, like I was being struck with a sledgehammer. I always associated that with ovaries though? I could be wrong.
I don't have stage IV, best guess is stage II?
I haven't felt ready to go back for more surgery, and in treating my thyroid and digestion (celiac) my endo pain has improved to the point I can get about more. My leg pain is pretty much gone, and deep pain with intercourse seems better, fingers crossed!