My gyno insists I should give it a go to relieve some pain, but Im hesitant, can't imagine exercising while in pain.. Has anyone tried and found it helpful in controlling in the pain?
Has exercising actually helped anyone wit... - Endometriosis UK
Has exercising actually helped anyone with endo?

Hi Olimpia I find that gentle walking sometimes relives pain a tiny amount - I think the fresh air and relaxation probably has more to do with it though! I would say that anything too strenuous (especially walking up hills) makes mine much worse. Hope this helps
That's my experience too.. Have you tried something more relaxing e.g. Pilates or yoga?
Yes I started yoga but found any kind of stretching too painful. It's different for everyone though so you may find something that suits you xx
That's what I'm worried about, in my case even simple slow walking or morning wake up stretching hurts so I can't imagine yoga not hurting even more. Probably there is no exercises not involving abdomen muscles.. id love to exercise though, it was a huge part of my life before this endo nightmare started, so I'll keep trying things until I find one that works (hopefully!) x
That's exactly the same as me. I have a Border Collie that gets walked twice a day and sometimes it's a real challenge so I don't do too much other than that to be honest. Good luck and take it easy xx
Hi there . I think with exercise , it has to be smth that you really love doing that makes you want to do once you are there. Zumba is mine fav. I feel energised and happy after it. Though I take it much easier then others and avoid too much stretching. .
Do what you love .bit will make you happier and releases endorphins which helps pain. !!
Yes I agree with doing what you love and listening to your body. I personally found Rebounding (mini trampoline) really helpful as it helps to detoxify the body and toxic environments breed disease such as Endo. I find it helps with gas and helps encourage stools which can be a real problem for me personally. It also gives me more energy and releases the much needed endorphins to lift my low moods 💛🎗
It does help me, i had operation in Nov 2014 and spoke to physio in 2015 to help me with some exercises.
I do my exercises/stretches every morning. They kind of based on yoga. It does help me keeping pain at bay, it doesnt help every day, but most days i have a numb pain what i can deal with.
As well relaxation exercises i do every morning and i walk outside at keast once a day. Just for some fresh air and empty my head.
It is better for your body and mind to do something. I realised that i was very angry last year and unhappy and this helps me with focus on positives.
Did you go to some special physio e.g. for women health or just a general one?
I was lucky, i went to see my friend, but we discussed it like i went to someone that i didnt know. I added some more exercises when i was getting a bit stronger.
I think you can just talk to gp about referral for physio, and explain this can help me.
As well i have been reading Mindfullness for Health by Danny Penham.
Really intresting and seem to help. I dont say that your pain will dissapear, but maybe start ti have different thoughts about pain.
Good luck!!
Hi, Olimpia! Seems like docs sometimes play bad tricks on us as we believe every single word willing to get rid of the pain.. For me exercising brought no success. Even worsened the facts. Doing exercises in pain is not a good idea, really. This makes you feel like a vegetable, with no taste, no feelings except pain...
Dear, if you can omit this suggestion, feel free.. Judging from my experience all this is useless. But if you have or even don't have stage 1 endo, maybe this is still worth trying (I don't know the details sorry ;))
Before our de ivf treatment in Biotexcom started my doc insisted on lapo first to remove the tissue and kill the pain. I absolutely agreed on the point as you won't be able to enjoy pregnancy feeling uncomfortable with pain.. So here he's just marvelous. Then the procedure itself..
Well, this is only yet another point of view. Whatever your decision is, just know you have someone to talk to Xx
Thank you for sharing I've just found out I've got endo so considering my options for how to take things forward and make this manageable; it became clear I'll have to change my life completely and e.g. any sport I've tried so far results in a lot of pain. I used to run marathons and now walking is painful, it's ridiculous and makes me feel pathetic. Anyway, I'll start with some simple yoga and pilates and try to make this work! Exercise is supposed to be good for us.. x
I find Aqua fit or swimming helps that's the only exercise I can do.My doctor recommended yoga xx
I find swimming helps relieves the symptoms - just take it at my own pace and take a pause every length or two. Though tiring before, it helps control it and feel much better afterwards.
I find that swimming regularly helps with my symptoms. It may be imagined but I genuinely feel it keeps my innards moving and helps reduce the adhesions. I really noticed post-op the difference when I did swimming (could immediately feel less build up of tissue around the scar sites) and days when I didn't (the scars felt lumpy). Swimming post-op should only be done following medical advice - don't want anyone going swimming who hasn't been given the all clear! I've kept the swimming up 3-4 times a week (now week 8 post abdominal surgery) and noticed the return of endo pain over the last month. I have to mentally force myself to go when I'm in pain but I always feel better afterwards - just take little breathers between lengths. Exercise is in my control, whereas I feel Endo isn't. It helps keep me on top of things and releases natural endorphins which help keep one's mood under control too. Oh! Just realised I wrote a brief reply a month ago on this, sorry for doubling up!
I have found that yoga can be helpful, but not always. I have had times where it has eased the pain, others where some of the stretches have been a bit much and on time a couple of weeks ago where I had an ovarian cyst burst in the middle of doing yoga 😓
I find the calming effect yoga has on me the most helpful thing about it. If you search YouTube there are yoga videos designed to help endometriosis.
I hope this helps xx