I am not coping. Help! : Hi, I am new to... - Endometriosis UK

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I am not coping. Help!

ChloeP321 profile image
18 Replies

Hi, I am new to this but I really need to talk to someone who understands. I am 20 years old and suffered with severe pains for about 4 years now, I suffer with Polysystric ovaries and also abnormal cells in my cervix. I am waiting on a laproscopy in 3 weeks but since I have found out my date I haven't been able to sleep, the pain has got worse, I am very emotional and I am not coping at all. I have my family and boyfriend to talk to but I don't feel like they understand the pain and stress it puts on your life. I am constantly tired and I can't function anymore. Has anyone felt the same way like their endo is making them depressed? X x

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ChloeP321 profile image
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18 Replies
RainbowBeth profile image


I found out last week that I have endometriosis. I had the laproscoptomy thingy. I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Some discomfort afterwards, and minor scars from the surgery. Whilst I was worried about having it done, I now no longer feel like I was going mad, feeling like no one believed me.

I now feel like there is a way forward. Family have been understanding, but I know what you mean. They aren't in the discomfort or pain we have. It has made me feel low leading up to the laproscoptomy, more worried and sensitive to things. Often feeling teary and overwhelmed by what might be found etc. I am hoping this feeling starts to go away now I know the rough idea of my treatment plan. Hope this helps

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to RainbowBeth

Hi! Thanks for replying. It means so much to me you going through the surgery. Did they remove the endometrios? I have a fear of them finding much more. I am glad to hear I'm not the only one being over sensitive. People don't understand a pain they can't see and it just makes it hard for people to understand but I'm glad you do x

RainbowBeth profile image
RainbowBeth in reply to ChloeP321

They couldn't remove mine there and then, I am now waiting to go back to the clinic to see specialists about surgery, as mine is connected all along the back wall of my womb to the bowel.. Nice to know I don't have IBS after all.

The fear you have is the one I had. I have to say knowing that it's bad has been comforting because I know I wasn't going mad, and that they can do something.

It is hard for the to understand, that's why I wanted to join the forum as I was feeling very alone in things.

I would say you are definitely not alone in feeling this way. I too suffer with both PCOS and endo and had my second laparoscopy 3 weeks ago.

You are right, although understanding nobody truly understands what your going through or all the pain and weird symptoms endo can prevent with but you can get through it.

I definitely felt overwhelmed and emotional leading up to both laps, my work had even noticed this time but you will feel better afterwards. Even just having a proper diagnosis will make you feel better and then you can decide on the best treatment plan going forward.

Just know that you are not alone.

Jamie X

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to Thecupcakesoldier

Thank you so much for replying! I'm glad to know I'm not alone on this, I am just feeling so apprehensive about the surgery especially since reading some of the poor girls stories! I hope your doing much better! X

Thecupcakesoldier profile image
Thecupcakesoldier in reply to ChloeP321

I'm going well thank you. Obviously you are having surgery so you are bound to be nervous. It's not a walk in the park but it's really not that bad I promise and definitely worth it. I had very different experiences with both my laps I would just say make sure you have faith in your consultant, if not find another one (I did!) and make sure you talk through all your concerns.

Is there anything In particular you're worried about? X

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to Thecupcakesoldier

I'm happy to hear your doing well! I'm worried mostly about them finding something and possibly not being able to have the choice of children, I've read a lot about people having infections and relapsing. Did you experience any problems with your laproscopy? X

Thecupcakesoldier profile image
Thecupcakesoldier in reply to ChloeP321

finding something may not be a bad thing because at least they can treat it and I can tell you that my symptoms are massively relieved after surgery!

I completely understand the children issue and it's definitely something you can speak to your consultant about. I haven't had the results yet but this time they did a dye test to check my tubes for fertility and in my first lap they drilled my ovaries which apparently helps with fertility so definitely discuss it with your consultant.

I actually did get a sub cutaneous infection this time but was nothing I couldn't handle and has cleared up with a course of anti biotics. And if I'm honest was probably my fault for doing too much too soon!

Everyone's experiences are different but there are a lot of horror stories on here and found that quite overwhelming but overall my experiences have been positive!

Please shout if you have anymore questions though x

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to Thecupcakesoldier

Honestly you've made me feel so much better! What are your scars like on your stomach are they small?

Please keep me updated on how you get on! Thanks again and good luck!! X

SH90 profile image
SH90 in reply to ChloeP321

I have 2 scars no bigger than the width of my little finger nail, I'm completely with you with the emotions and feeling like nobody really understands I'm 25 and generally struggling with tieredness and crying a lot. This is the best site to come to if you need advice or even someone to talk to. Best of luck with it all x

Thecupcakesoldier profile image
Thecupcakesoldier in reply to ChloeP321

I have 3 from my first one, 1 inside my belly button and 2 in my pubic area shall we say! (Under knickers) and they are white now, you can barely see them. This time I have 4, belly button, pubic and then one either side of my stomach in line with where your jeans would sit. This lot haven't healed yet but looking good x

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to Thecupcakesoldier

aa I'm glad to hear the scarring isn't to bad! thanks so much for your help x

Thecupcakesoldier profile image
Thecupcakesoldier in reply to ChloeP321

I'll be honest with you I was surprised by the 2 on my stomach this time, I wasn't expecting them this high! Discuss it with your surgeon, as far as I'm aware they will put as many probes wherever they need to to get the job done properly!

Long story short though I can love with these little scars to be pain free!

One more word of advice though, don't be surprised if your recovery takes longer than you expected. I am now in my third week off work and couldn't cook or do any housework at all for over a week whereas I was back to work after a week last time. It's a lesson I need to pay attention to myself but listen to your body, be patient with it and be selfish! Xx

chihira profile image

I do understand your stress and the unknown! I had my lap almost two years ago, and although it was stressful (it's a surgery after all) but i was also glad that I finally was having a surgery as to come to that point was a long journey itself. And I also recovered quickly and was back to work after a week (to cooking and cleaning even sooner). Be selfish is my advice! Do things that you enjoy and treat yourself. This is a great place for support as everyone understands what you are going through. Take care of yourself xxxx

ChloeP321 profile image
ChloeP321 in reply to chihira

Hi! Thank you so much. Finding this group has honestly made me feel like I'm not alone in this. I am so glad your doing better for it! Are you still having any pains since your surgery? Xxx

chihira profile image

I have bad days and better days with regards to pain, but I am remaining positive that I will get this sorted at some point! I have a coil fitted after surgery so it took a long time to settle and I still doubt that it's 100% suitable. However I am glad I have a diagnosis. This made a big difference to how people react to my concerns. I am worried that it may affect my fertility at some point, and that I will have this for the rest of my life. However I am coming into term with endo now and it's a part of me want it or not. There are some posts and books about changing diet and general knowledge of endo which you may find useful to read if it's applicable to you. I cannot recommend a particular one yet, but it certainly caught my attention as I didn't know they existed! There are some good posts here to read which weirdly calms me down. You are not alone xx

shaaaaannon profile image

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also 20 haven't been diagnosed but have been with polycystic ovaries Aswell. I cry most nights and sometimes can stand up for too long. My gp hasn't helped me and refuses to test for endo but hasn't explained anything to me. It's also making me very depressed cos I don't think people understand how truly painful it is

Hope you're okay

RainbowBeth profile image
RainbowBeth in reply to shaaaaannon

I would say head back to a different GP, you know your body best, push to see someone. That's what I did, got sick of being told it was 'heavy painful periods'.. I found out last week it's endo and I am pleased to have an answer and know I wasn't going mad!

I get every emotional at things, particualrly when I didn't know what it was, you just have to be really pushy with your GP.

This forum seems like a good place to talk to others that know what you are going through, that has been a huge relief to me in the last few days. Taken the pressure off my husband.

Hope this helps.

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