Hello there
Just found this website and thought it was brilliant. I've just turned 22 and got told I had endo when I was 19 when they found it during a laparoscopy. When I was at college I get rushed into hospital as I had severe abdo pain and I began to bleed-a lot. After lots of scans I ended up being rushed down to have a laparoscopy as they found a large 8cm dermoid cyst on my ovary. They removed both my right ovary and the cyst as they could not save the ovary. I recovered fine but about 18month later my pains came back but this time I had other things such as back ache, weight gain, my tummy was sticking out a lot and really bad abdo pain. So I went to my gp and got a referral for another scan. They assumed it was bowel related for some reason and I had every bowel related scan ever. Was horrible. I then got told I had ibs so strictly followed my diet. That still didn't work. Given my history I knew it must have been endo related. A month ago I got rushed into a and e due to abdo pain again and being violently sick. I got admitted on a ward and scans were done. They found another cyst on my left ovary, it's 4cm. They were going to operate but told me that there was a risk of me having to have my ovary removed which would leave me infertile and start suffering with the menopause at 21( just turned 22). So all papers signed to go through with a lap and another doctor comes and stops the whole procedure. Refers me for a scan just after Xmas and I see a specialist who will have every intention of saving my fertility. My tummy is absolutely massive at times and I'm on loads of pain relief so feel like a walking zombie! I'm just so worried. My emotions are all over the place I keep crying loads in random places too, and if that cyst has grown I've no idea what will happen. I want children one day and can't bare that to be taken from me has anyone else gone through this?
Hannah xxx