hi I am new on here, but it would be really helpful if I could get some advice on if I should move on and except that endometriosis is not what I have or keep my motive on getting the diagnosis.
since the age of 16 I have suffered loads with my periods and irregular bleeding even bleeding after intercourse for up to one hour and all seams to be ok again. i have photos how just how bloated my stomach gets and i suffer with extreme tiredness and massive amounts of pain. the gynaecologist preformed a laparoscopy back in 2010 nothing was found. things went quiet for a while with my stomach, the pain never really went away though.
i had my child 3years ago and i went to my doctor explaining just how much pain i was in and she did a smear test and found i had a growth, referred to the gynaecologist. he asked me why i came back and deferred as he thought nothing was wrong (not tests carried out)
this year I found I was struggling very much with the pain and bleeding again. I went back to my doctor and they gave me a scan and found a cyst on my right ovarie I then went back to the same gynaecologist. He has preformed yet another laparoscopy last week and found nothing. Not even the cyst and deferred me.
So do I hive up this feeling like I have this condition or do I keep on fighting for a diagnosis? Thank you for reading in advance