Frightened, numbness, ...ultrasound, anyb... - Endometriosis UK

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Frightened, numbness, ...ultrasound, anybody else had an ultrasound as well as lap? help.

Amielou85 profile image
3 Replies


Just wandering if anybody can offer me some comfort! I know everybody's endo is slightly different. Im 30 and I have struggled with my periods for years and have been on the pill now for over 10 years. Endo was only suggested to me a couple of months ago after finally being referred to a gynaecologist after years of complaining about the heaviness and pain of my periods. Has anybody else not been diagnosed straight away? The past year or so I have noticed that my pain during menstruation is a lot more noticeable. I sometimes think I can pinpoint when im releasing an egg or menstruation as I feel like something may burst inside and its always more prominent on my right side. I also get numbness in my bum cheek and vagina during this time on my right side again, does anybody else experience this numbness?

I am having an ultrasound on Friday and my first lap in December (i had an ultrasound a couple of years ago which just showed gestational cysts) but now my mind is running overtime thinking it may be something more serious as the symptoms for endo are similar to the symptoms for Gyny cancers (I know its dangerous to google but i've been really anxious!)

Part of me feels like something serious must be wrong to have thee symptoms, has anybody else felt this way? Have other people been given ultrasounds too?

I just wanted to ask as other people don't understand, its not just a heavy or painful period, its a lot more than that.

Any advice would be welcomed I am having a really anxious time, hopefully once I have the ultrasound Friday and lap it should ease my worries but in the meantime any advice would be great.

Thank you

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3 Replies
Deb1511 profile image

Firstly Hun I'm sorry you are feeling so worried and anxious. I too along with many other on here feel the same so your not alone. I have complained and complained about periods for years and get the sam experience as yourself like I know when it all happening etc, I was given a ultrasound as because of the serve pain they thought I had kidney stone or gall stone no ultra sound showed no stone though a cyst on my right ovary as I was in urology ward the had to contact gynaecology who think it a normal cycle cyst though four weeks later painstill horrendous i was admitted to hospital again as my stats were all over the place again thinking theyd. Missed a stone so was sent for ct scan when the said doctor couldn't give me results it would have to be registrar and surgeon I was freaking out, though they came and said we think it endo you have been referred emergency to gynaecology and still no appointment Hun xxxx long chats with friends and long soaks in baths to relax Hun and plenty people on here to talk you through your concern good luck take care xxxx

Lilykat197 profile image

Hi there,

Please try and not worry too much, easier said then done I know but everything you are describing is typical of endo, most woman don't get diagnosed for years due to lack of experience by GP/consultants.

I totally understand how you feel, I too was in the same position last year, unlike most ladies on here my periods were never a problem, I had and still have pains all through the month, I never suffered long or heavy periods just constant pain and tiredness, I kept going to doctors for years, was told I had everything from celiac to fibromyalgia, I then started developing numbness in my right back side leg and vagina that's when an MRI was done which showed 3 tumors, at that stage I was told to expect the worst.

After a number of biopsies and scans I was diagnosed with endo, I have a not very common form of it where I actually develop growths, I completely understand your fear but I do wish someone told me at the time not to worry, I hope you get all the answers you need and get diagnosed asap.

L x

Prettythings1 profile image

Hi my situation. Sounds very similar ro yours; I am 30 and had heavy periods with period pains all the time even when I was not on my period, I had an ultra sound which showed a cyst, I later gad it removed during a lap, my symptoms improved slightly, I had endo in other areaa too but rhe gyno didnt seem concerned, i was never rild what stage it is? She waa very vaugue really. But like you I was siagnosed quickly, Ihad the same worries sbout cancer etc! Which is understandable but for peace of mind, I would suggest visiting toup gp for a chat if not just to ease tour worries food luck xx

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