Hi ladies, just thought I'd give an update and I have a few queries
Only 11 days on from my op and I'm feeling ok, still a little sore on getting up and down from sofa bed ect, but I think I'm doing well,💯👍
I seam to be having a lot of pain on weeing and pooing, 🙈
When I need a wee it hurts on releasing the flow, when that has started it lets up apart from occasionally when it can hurt all the way through
Then when I need a poo it hurts a lot to walk up the stairs, and hurts throughout, I'm very constipated and it's very hard,
It was hurting or causing a odd sensation prior to the op but seams worse now, I know ive got along way to go, but Is this normal?.......
My stitches are doing well, ive had to cut ✂️one away as it was very uncomfatable getting stuck to the scab.
I don't feel half as tired as I did prior to the op, perhaps that's just me finally seeing light at the end of a very dark tunnel.
My next question is, HOW MUCH SHOULD I BE DOING, I'm stressing out abit about what I should be doing now, I feel better now than my bad times prior, but apparently should be doing less than I would have done then,
Ive hung a small wash on aired, didn't get it out of machine or carry it, took items of airer, washed up light things ie cups ect, make myself cereal and tea and toast, polished my bed room, changed a few pillow cases, now all of that is very little and not often,
IS THAT OK..?????☕️
Roll on another 2-4 weeks, can't wait to get energetic. 😉
I hope all you ladies are doing well.