So I got out of hospital last night after my first lap.
Endro was found in the left of my pelvis and a small amount on my right ovary (not enough to remove)
The scan had showed something in pouch of Douglas but she didn't find anything and my pain has been conected to my bowel/intestine. That is where I had an infection. But she said nothing was "noticeable".
I have the mirina and she couldn't find that either which I know is there. So I don't have much confidence in here.
She isn't going to remove what was found.
Surgeon wants me on the combined pill even though I have had a bad time with it before and will see me in 4 months.
Will the combined pill help me?? Is it worth going through hormone hell for?
Do I ask my doctor to see the specialist? (I was told I'd have to have bad emdro to see them and this women is making out I have nothing)
I am presuming the pain I had before will be just the same as before once I recover from the lap?
Sorry if I don't make much sense, still drowsy.
Would appreciate any advice.
Thank you