I have been diagnosed with severe rectrovaginal endo and am currently waiting for my 2nd lap on the 13th May at a specialist endo center in cornwall. I was given a 3month Gnrh analogue shot on the 18th Feb (so it should still be working!) but about 10 days ago I woke with horrendous stomach cramps and diarrhea, it is still going on everything I eat and drink is going straight through me!! My stomach is now very sore to touch and is now sensitive enough and bloated to be very uncomfortable walking or in any position other than lying down.
Sorry if TMI but the diarrhea has blood and muscus and I have also started lightly spotting (strange as the GNRH shot should still be in my system) I went to the GP and they took bloods and stool sample and the bloods came back with high level of inflammation but haven't got the stool sample back yet. I'm now on antibiotics to see if that helps but at the moment am still going to the loo about 15 times a day!!
The gp is convinced it isn't endo and thinks its Inflammatory Bowel Diesease of some sort and I can't get hold of my endo specailist so I just wanted to know if anyone with bowel or intestine endo has these symptoms at all, could it still be endo?? For my lap in May they have arranged for a bowel surgeon to be there.
Also has anyone else had experience of bleeding before the hormone injection should have run out, can they run out early??
Thanks so much guys, I'm really concerned so any help would be great!