Hi ladies! Firstly, thank you to all who post on here- it really is a great support network! I've had this hoohah for 8.5 years. The usual painful periods, back and leg pain, bleeding... You know the score. I had an ovarian cyst removed on my 17th birthday (I'm now 24...) and no one is ever got to the bottom of the pain. (A bazillion ultrasound scans later...) I have almost just come to the conclusion it MUST be endo because it ticks all the boxes, although one gynae actually said to me"you don't want that label"... Are you kidding?! I had a lap in August 2013 which was clear. I have another booked for this Thursday, and my main worry is that it will be clear again which would be so disheartening. Is there anything I should be asking for/ insisting on etc to hopefully get some answers? I've seen so many doctors and been passed from pillar to post (sadly like a lot of you ladies). Any advice would be amazing xx
Second laparoscopy: Hi ladies! Firstly... - Endometriosis UK
Second laparoscopy

Hi. Really sorry to hear about you suffering from this pain. I have recently been diagnosed with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. I also suffering from a stabbing pain in pelvis and what I would describe as a heavy dragging pain down my leg. I do belive that leg pain is a symptom of endometriosis as well a adenomyosis which is slightly different as it's growing In the uterus the only cure for Adenomyosis is a hysterectomy. is a specialist you who is doing your laparoscopy? I only asked as there is area that is called the pouch of dougla which is between the uterus and anus usually only a specialist would remove endo from this area I think that having Endo it that area can increase leg pain. I had endo In the pouch of douglas.
I hope this helps.
Jo x
Thanks Jo! I just hope they check everywhere. It baffles me that the most common places (although more hidden) is where they miss! Glad you got a diagnosis- I hope you are doing well xx
Yes I hope that they do check that area for you as you have a lot of symptoms. I think I just got lucky with my surgeon as i had no idea of all of this until post operation. As I was pretty sure that my laparoscopy would be for nothing due to lots of my previous Dr's telling that heavy bleeding and serve pain was just "bad period pain" makes me so cross now. Xx
I've read things about that area, but my pain is predominantly in my right side (although at its worst it goes right round!) so not sure what/where /how etc! I've been discharged from gynae care several times to "see how I get on" and that is just so wrong!! For such a seemingly widespread and common disease, there is so little knowledge from doctors! xx
Thank you Lindle- have messaged you. Your advice is brilliant and thank you for all the information. I've seen your posts on other topics before and they are always really informative xx