I used to be the no. 1 dog walker until now. I walked my mums cocker spaniel Hemi as often as I could. Its a good thing that I didn't get a dog of my own because I was thinking about it for a while. But I do have two gorgeous guinea pigs named Ida and Sparkles and I love them to pieces but sometimes I'm too tired/sore to clean them out. So my mum does them for me and I always check that they have food and water. But its awful having to rely on someone else to look after them on days that I can't do a thing.
I trust my mum, but I still hate it when other people get to enjoy them (I know! I'm jealous I don't want to share them)
My mum did bring them over to me, when I was lying in bed yesterday, and I got to have a cuddle which was very nice.
So what do others do? I mean, how do you manage pets and this awful illness/disease?
Sometimes when I'm not too bad I clean the cage in bits and have a rest between each chore. So it will be like: Shake out the fleece blankets- rest- put towels and fleece in washing machine- rest (big long rest) then make up the cage. While this long drawn out process is happening, the piggies get to have playtime outside! But no-matter-what they will always be looked after.
So how do you manage it?