Hi ladies
Just wondering your thoughts.
Because I have been off work for nearly five weeks now ( two weeks pre op and will be three post op) work have me an app to see the occupational health next week. They have asked me to sign a form to give them access to my medical records. I'm not sure why they would need to do this? Because I can tell them about my condition and I'm bit anxious about giving them full access for the sake of it. Esp as it says stuff about trying for a family etc which I don't really want work to know about.
I'm not sure they need more info than I've given then and not keen for people to know the ins and outs of my medical history, piles and all! Ha ha.
I'm sure work are trying to be supportive by sending me, but in all honestly with the amount of appointments I've had and discussing my medical history I'm kind of resenting going too.
Any thoughts or info would as always, be much appreciated. X