Hi - this is my first post. I had a diagnosis of endometriosis in 2014 and since then have had two laparoscopies plus a life-threatening infection in 2015. Unfortunately, the endometriosis has reoccurred and I still have severe endometriosis plus now chronic fatigue on top of it. The endo is stuck to my bowel, so I'm avoiding further surgery at the moment.
I'm a primary school teacher in Key Stage 2 (juniors) and have had to take time off work due to this - mostly the horrendous fatigue. I've been to see Occupational Health and they say my illness comes under the 2010 Equality Act and is seen as a disability. That means work needs to make reasonable adjustments for my return to work.
Their reasonable adjustment is to move me from Key Stage Two, where I have taught for numerous years, to Key Stage 1 (infants) as they suggest the classes will be smaller and the workload will be lighter. I have since discovered that one of the Key Stage 2 classes will be substantially smaller than the others. Before I went off sick, I was doing 60-70 hours per week (apparently my own fault!) I am very daunted by this move - no idea about infants - and have sought Union advice but they haven't got back to me yet. I will also have a 4 week phased return.
Any suggestions or opinions please? Would you say this is a reasonable adjustment?
Thanks in advance...x