I got called up for a HR meeting (I work in HR so it was just with my supervisor) who told me that because I had 2.5 weeks off for my laparoscopy surgery (taken as medical sick leave) and I had 3.5 days off last week (sent home with flu symptoms and told not to come back until I'm better/cleared) I now have to choose between going for an appointment with Occ Health or not being able to apply for any jobs within the organisation for the next 12 months (meaning I wouldn't be able to move from my current job which everyone knows I'm going to do next July.)
I immediately chose occ health but I'm not even sure what they do and was wondering if anyone has benefited from an occ health referral? Can they make external appointments for me e.g. push for a sooner or another gynae appointment externally? My work knows about my suffering and that I haven't had a diagnosis yet but I'm just worried that occ health will just palm me off like every other doctor has...
Thanks for reading x