Just a quick post to say how amazing I am feeling 6 weeks after a Laparotomy!! After being very frightened when I learned I would have a laparotomy rather than laparoscopy, I can honestly say that my recovery this time has been easier than when I had a laparoscopy (with tube and ovary removal) last year.
This time around I had 4 litres of fluid, the other tube, half of the other ovary, and my appendix removed, my adhesions cut, my pelvic wall repaired and my pelvic floor repaired and a pelvis wash to test for cancer, I was back at work within 2 weeks and now I feel fantastic!!
There are so many horror stories around but it really isnt that bad.
Massive thank you to GWH in Swindon, I'm very grateful for the brilliant care I received.
If I do need more surgery, i will ask for laparotomy over laparoscopy any day, I recovered SO fast
Good luck to all facing surgery xxx