So after another doctors app more strong pain killers more talking with my partner and hospital we are going to stop the pill and try for a baby. When I say try to start with we are going to not do anything to stop it happening...don't want to focus on dates etc and become obsessed id rather just see how my body is (If I'm in as much pain as I am sex won't even be happening) for a few months and then if nothing happens il be careful when we are trying. Has anyone any success stories? I appreciate all your help this site has literally made life so much more bearable x
Let's try...: So after another doctors app... - Endometriosis UK
Let's try...

Hi DaisyL
I was very careful with my diet and waited a few months before I tried for our boys. It was harder second time around though. I took some liver cleansing herbs to clean the liver from all the drugs and then went vegetarian for a while, but that was largely because we were living in China at the time and the meat quality was a little dodgey if you know what I mean. Second time around I was back in UK and eating organic meat. I hadn't been diagnosed with Endo at this stage and found both pregnancies very uncomfortable but I think this depends on where your problems are. I am sure there are some women who had no problems with pregnancy. I used to have lots of baths with lavender oil that helped.
Good luck, exciting times for you!
Jen xx
I really applaud your attitude to trying, so women have a total freak out every month and chart temperature and buy all the ov sticks. The thing is without endo and with perfectly functioning parts it still takes most women anywhere up to 2 years. It is hard work trying to concieve with endo as you say - sex hurts and some pain killers can stop implantation. So give yourself a break, try to enjoy being with your husband and it will happen i am a success story with a little girl and one on the way. Last time was very painful but seems better this time and breastfeeding really helped reduce my pain. it could give you some pain free years so definitely good from a selfish point of view. Plus once you've had babies you can feel more confident about the more drastic options. For me ive always wanted to be a mum and adore my daughter so it was an easy choice, I hope it's the same for you xxx
Oh and I was told I couldn't have children and concieved first month first time so do prepare yourself lol x
Remember to take your trying for a baby vitamins whatever you try.
I took the same attitude and really wanted it to happen naturally like it has happened for so many of my friends and family. Unfortunately it’s not worked out that way for me and my hubby. After six months of trying I had my laparoscopy and due to endo was told that if I wanted children time was of the essence! We were told to try for another six months and my hubby was asked to do two sperm tests. Unfortunately these showed a male factor problem. What a pair we are! Anyway another six months on and we are about to start fertility treatment next month, fingers crossed this is the help we need.
I started out so relaxed about it but have turned into a daily temperature taking, calendar watching, vitamin popping obsessive! I never imagined that would be me!!
I really hope it happens for you soon. I'm not really a great one to give advice but do try to stay calm about it all. Like endopains says it can take a couple of years to get pregnant.
Good luck with the trying xx
Thank you so much everyone!! We have a hosital app in May to see where we are at. Appreciate everyone's help support and advice so much x