I just got a letter saying I have a gyne appointment booked in on 18th of December so happy.
Also went back to my doc yesterday she prescribed norimin coc pill and more dhcs (dihydrocodeine tartrate) for the meantime, she also told me If i get the gyne's understudy to let them know I will not be fobbed off and fertility is a big issue for me, she also said she will fight for me to have a laparoscopy and get my life back on track as best she can. She seems to be very protective and concerned when she feels I haven't been treated properly as she said I have text book symptoms and nothing was done for 10 years just bloody infuriating and ridiculous.
It's an amazing feeling being listened to and to be actually getting somewhere with such a supportive doctor .
I hope this post helps those who feel like they are trying to push wet spaghetti uphill with a straw, keep soldiering on be persistent and when a doctor gets an attitude or makes you feel anxious and is just plain useless find another one it took me 10 years but I got there