I apologise in advice for my long winded post but I am feeling very alone at the minute and need some advice from my fellow endo sufferers!
I am due to start my job as a veterinary assistant on the 20th of this month and my partner and I are currently TTC. Everything felt like it was falling in to place, new job, excited at the thought of possibly being a mum one day and we are also searching for a new home together.
However, this morning I had a phone call from another vets offering me an interview for a trainee nurse role (something I always wanted to do when I left college a year ago!) but I gave up on that dream when I knew my best chances of conceiving would be now while I'm in my early 20's as I am dying to be a mum.
I could not turn down this opportunity though and I accepted an interview for next Wednesday. If I am lucky enough to be offered the position, I will be in a big pickle!
The college training does not start until next September and is 2 years long therefore I will not be a qualified vet nurse for almost another 3 years. Meaning trying to have a baby within this time would be totally impractical.
Baby or dream job? That is the question!
In an ideal world I would grab the nursing opportunity and try for a baby in 3 years when I'm qualified however I do not even know if I have 3 years of being fertile left! My endometriosis is severe and extensive and I can feel it getting worse every month
In all honestly it's been 5 months since my last operation and I'm not entirely sure that I can have children at all with how I'm feeling now. It feels like it's spreading everywhere and back then my Fallopian tubes were the only things untouched by the endo which is why I was told I would still be fertile!
How do I know they are still okay unless I have another op which would take months to happen...
I know you are probably thinking I should not be worrying about this unless I get offered the nursing job, however if I do, I will only have a couple of days to make a decision on which job to take and which path to go down!
I want a baby more than anything...
Any help or shared experiences will be much appreciated!