Hi all,
Not always a nice subject I know but does anyone else get pain after a movement? It seems to kick of some sort of upset/bruising feeling and nausea quite often.
Hi all,
Not always a nice subject I know but does anyone else get pain after a movement? It seems to kick of some sort of upset/bruising feeling and nausea quite often.
Yes that's always been on of my main problems as I have endo round my bowel and POD.
I tend to get waves of nausea and ery bad pain around 15 mins before I have to have abowel movement - ie. when it reaches my colon I think.... (sorry if TMI) - it continues afterwards too!!
Yes! My pain levels are worse after a BM like a bruised, swollen feeling and often uterine type cramps. I have been trying my best to cope with just paracetamol and ibruphen but at night I take prescription strength cocodamol. I've found this 'bungs' be up a bit and the pain after BM is so much worse then.
The worst thing for me with the endo is the 'digestive' issues. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago but not gots post op appointment till 30th oct so I still don't know exactly where the endo is. I was told it was all over my uterus, on ovaries and on half a dozen other places. I just want to know already!!
Hey i always seem to get an ache right through my pelvic floor muscle and into my erm rectum. I suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction too but also had endo in my pouch of Douglas. Sometimes I can get a wave of nausea afterwards but I get the ache more often. When I get the feeling to go i can often get a horrible cramp pain all round my bowel as if the erm things are moving and then like a pulling push feeling in the lower left hand side of my abdomen, the latter can sometimes continue afterwards too. I often get an incomplete evacuation uncomfortable feeling as well but this isn't exactly a pain. The only thing I've found that helps is sitting still with a warm up bean thing in between my legs x
Thanks for all your replies-it's helpful to know other people are experiencing the same. I also have this weird discomfort in lower abdomen. Such a hard sensation to explain but kind of feels like something is tearing away and can feel it moving-almost like stomach rumble but lower down-is that similar? Also feels like stuff stuck sometimes-like wants to move or make stomach rumble noise but stuck and doesn't do that and is lower down.
Not afterwards, but I do get bad constipation (3days+), which gives me bad pelvic and back pain for a few days after. When I had my laparoscopy, they found significant adhesions on my bowel. I have "twinges" of pain, in my lower left abdomen & left side of my groin on quite a frequent basis, sometimes extending down into my thighs. Annoyingly, neither the constipation nor the pain were as bad before my lap. If it weren't for the fact that at least I have a diagnosis now, and the lap appears to have cured my period pain for the moment, I'd almost wish I'd not bothered!