So this might not help everyone, but it helps me so I thought i would share, I got to the point that I constantly looked 7 months pregnant and it was getting me really down, someone suggested lemon water to me, either use a few slices of fresh lemon in a mug of hot water, or use some pure lemon juice (not the jif stuff as that has additives) and I add a sweetener to take away the bitter taste, after a week I noticed a big difference, I'll never have a flat stomach but I'd rather look 3 months preg than 7! It is useful for loads of other things which includes it being good for increasing energy which let's face it... 95% of us in here need!! I hope this helps some of you
Something that might help the bloating :) - Endometriosis UK
Something that might help the bloating :)

I drink lemon in hot water too, it really works! x
I constantly look 7 months pregnant aswell so will definetly give this ago thank you
Thanks. I'm gonna try this. I'm so bloated I look very pregnant - shame I'm not!
A slice of fresh root ginger in hot water can also help.
ive noticed less bloating since cutting out sugar and dairy from my diet.
What a great thing to know... I'm definately trying it!
I think us Endo girls should all get together and write a book about things that help us,
For me golden linseeds to deal with constipation!
Thanks for this tip, will definitely try it after gaining 6lbs in the past fortnight & looking pregnant after starting on the Prostap!
I find the aloe vera is good to help with constipation but don't take it every day