Anyone want to join me?: Hello ladies... - Endometriosis UK

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Anyone want to join me?

44 Replies

Hello ladies..... I'm so miserable!

I'm in so much pain and completely fed up !

I'm having a cyber party.... Anyone fancy joining me?

I've got wine by the barrel..... Vodka and Hors d'oeuvre. Healthy salad and yummy chocolate !

Mr Beckham will my guest of


What would you bring ?

Barbara x

44 Replies
Lilykat197 profile image

Myself hehe .... I'm there!!! I feel your pain, have been like a zombie since yesterday had to go back on the tramadol as the pain got so so bad, I am devestated only had my lap 7/4.

Party on xxx

in reply to Lilykat197

Oh no.... You poor lady.

Come and have a glass of wine ! (It's special and doesn't interact with the Tramadol!)


in reply to Lilykat197

How's barley?


Lilykat197 profile image
Lilykat197 in reply to

Barley is doing great, he is his usual beautiful happy self, makes me smile just looking at him xxx

in reply to Lilykat197

That's great to hear.

Honey and Ozzy said woof woof to Barley!

How's your pain now?


Lilykat197 profile image
Lilykat197 in reply to

Woof woof back to Honey and Ozzy from Barley... I'm not too bad this morning but I'm so disappointed to have that pain back, it was always my right side and the pain goes into my back and all the way down my leg, was so hopeful the op would take it away but it's still early days I suppose!!!

How r u feeling today??? xxx

Lilykat197 profile image

I am a dedicated vodka drinker lol now that you mention it no doubt it will be healthier than the tramadol :-) x x x

Dillweed1 profile image

Wow- you do a good spread. Heading over now for the wine and I'll bring my gluten free cupcakes!

jalo69 profile image

Vodie I'm there:) would you mind if I brought along Ben Afflick to keep David company and I think Robbie might be up for some Kareoke! XxJ

in reply to jalo69

No that's fine.... The more the merrier.

I've just put pineapple and cheese on sticks, out....

Tell robbie to come and "Entertain" me !


jalo69 profile image

I think Robbie is up for pineapple and cheese sticks and he's definately coming to be the Rock DJ to Entertain the 'Angels'.

Ooooo!- yes please :)

It looks like you've got enough there for me to last until the early hours of the night so id just bring myself.

Tee-hee :)

in reply to

Hello Ann-mummyof2

Any chance you could get some cheesy nick nacks?


Riverchick profile image

Better late than never I'm here! Let's party I've got the wine on the go as today I managed without painkillers (-:

in reply to Riverchick

Hello riverchick... Great news about you not needing painkillers today..... I've got you an extra large glass of wine waiting!

wp22 profile image

Can I join in I will bring chips and crisps. Yum I love them. O and Rob Lowe, he's gorgeous. X

in reply to wp22

Can you bring the vinegar too?

Ladies..... We've got a problem..... George clooney and Adam Levine are on their way!

I need more support and extra wine!


daffodil profile image

Ooh -hope there is some left -sorry bit late in seeing this.Sometimes I wonder if alcohol may be a better painkiller than pills! Hope you've still got some of that red wine barrel left for me,as that's my tipple,along with gin.Glad its special pill free stuff as think it might land me in A and E,in addition to all my painkillers and sleeping tablets!!

in reply to daffodil

I've got a special vintage for you daffodil ! X

Sheri26 profile image

Oooooo, I love a crab stick...nice spread you've got, I'm joining the party, from Spain !!!

How are you all, keep going ladies xxx

in reply to Sheri26

Sheri..... How dare you go to Spain without me?

I'll save you the crab sticks and a slice of gateaux !

How are you?


Lilykat197 profile image

On my third vod so much better than tramadol lol xxx

in reply to Lilykat197

So much vodka left... Help yourself!

Are you enjoying the music? Robbie is doing a great job !


Sheri26 profile image

The entertainment guy is singing , rock dj lol, I'm feeling okay, still get shooting pains but better than bloody endo. I saw my consultant just before we came away, my endo was all over the Fallopian tubes, (just feeling up and twisted. hopefully that should be it now for me. He sent my uterus and cervix to London pathology, and hadn't had results back for adenomyosis, my uterus is lost in London . He is certain I had that too. Speak again soon, how's the jabs going?? Or did you stop having them done x

in reply to Sheri26

I had to stop them.... The side effects were too much for me to handle!

Shall I send a search party out for your uterus? (Sorry I know that's in poor taste but I've had too much wine!)

Enjoy Spain.....


in reply to Sheri26

I'm going to London tomorrow I'll keep an eye out for your uterus.. Maybe it's having dinner at the Ritz.

in reply to

I would like to send mine to the ritz ! In fact it can go anywhere as long as it get out of me !!!!

I want a divorce from it !!!!!


Hilarious Barb!

I have not been on the forum this week and see what I am missing! So, if Clooney is there, I'm there. I'm still not over his engagement.. I honestly thought he was waiting to meet me.

I've had a shitty pain week..

Miss you girls and sending you my best xx

in reply to

We miss you too

i hope you guys have saved me some! just got home from a dire 6 hour shift at work!! x

Lilykat197 profile image

Omg a uterus that lives the high life... The ritz no less eh, now I heard it all lol

Don't think it will want to be found xxx

in reply to Lilykat197

I think we could all do with a weekend at the Ritz, or better still, Claridges. Aren't I full of big ideas tonight :-) I'm so sick of tummy pain this week that I have entered dream world.

Hope you all have a nice Friday evening

daffodil profile image
daffodil in reply to

Best party in ages,thanks to Barabara! Do you know we could have cyberholidays too! Actually this was something that was explored by people with severe ME!

Am hoping the barrel of wine has me sleeping soon!

Dillweed1 profile image

Have woken up with a hell of a hangover Barb! Great party!!

in reply to Dillweed1

Good morning!

I've only just cleared up.....

The party was great.... You were amazing doing the birdie song!

I shouldn't have done the limbo... My back is really hurting.

stevieflp profile image

I have had a right giggle this morning reading of your cyber antics last night - I missed out for sure. Went to bed too early with a sore throat so just as well as I would not have liked to have spread that around to you guys! What fun. Defo up for a party another time :)

in reply to stevieflp

Next time it's fancy dress.... You must come....

I hope your throat gets better soon.


stevieflp profile image
stevieflp in reply to

Cheers :)

jalo69 profile image

Can recommend some 'painkillers 'for backache and hangover ladies!!! Xx Great party Barbara . I left early with Ben

Brownlow profile image

When's the next party! I can't believe I missed it! If I'd known I would definitely have come. x

Kardin profile image

Ayup ladies, I'm sure the hangovers are kicking in now so was wondering if I could pop round with some cures. I hope you don't mind me bringing my team of delicious male masseuses. They're very friendly and great at getting rid of that lower back pain XxX

shukudai profile image

I missed it too:( I went to bed early last night as I was shuttered after the Yoga class. Then I had a migraine today..(not hangover) It was second Yoga class and when I went to the last one I had a migraine the day after! It supposed to be give me a relaxation!

I had a blood test result of gluten intolerance/celiac which was clear. After 6 weeks of re-glutened I re-stared gluten free and I already feel a bit better. My bone pain is getting a bit better so it could be because of gluten not the injection (well it was contributing it too I am sure). While I was eating gluten I couldn't open a jam jar!

How are you now? Is your pain better after the party? My period started on Thursday but not too much period pain. I hope it continue like this!

Take care


daffodil profile image

Thanks for the great party Barbara -the barrel of red wine had me sleeping all night under the table,so think I must have missed the proceeding! Honest - the sleeping pill worked and I slept till 9.30 am !!

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