Some of you might be interested in this online film by Jason Vale aka The Juicemaster. It's free to watch for the next 4 days. It follows 8 people with 22 chronic illnesses between them and their 28 days on a juice programme.
I realise that the jury is out on juicing and you might not believe the testimonials so I leave it up to you to decide but leaving that to one side there are some interesting points made by some of the pundits.
Here are a few I scribbled down that echo a growing of opinion on the subject of illness and reinforce so much of my current thinking. There's nothing new about the approach but the voices on the subject are getting louder and gaining currency.
Two things cause all chronic diseases - toxicity and deficiency.
The mechanism behind all chronic disease is inflammation.
Toxins cause injury, injury causes inflammation.
Health comes from addressing the body on a biochemical level, not from doctors, drugs and surgery.
Therefore they key is good nutrition and detoxification.
The conventional route should be to start with food, nutrition and detoxification. The alternative should be drugs if that doesn't work...not the other way around!!
I have not done any juice programme so please don't ask me if this works for endo. If you want to do this, investigate further and consult your doctor. I am just posting because I know some of you might be interested.