Anyone suffered from endo/adenomyosis and... - Endometriosis UK

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Anyone suffered from endo/adenomyosis and thyroid problems?

nikki297 profile image
4 Replies

After having successful surgery for endo 8 years ago I have just been diagnosed with prominent adenomyosis and a cyst in one of my ovaries. This website is fantastic and I have found out that many ladies on here have suffered from both and already gathered a lot of info. I have also had a large goitre for at least 8 years which has always been ignored by GPs and consultants as my blood tests have always come back as normal. Last year I found out that it was deviating my windpipe through an x-ray for something else. I had unsuccessful radioactive treatment last year and am now waiting for it to be surgically removed. I have read extensively over the years and constantly find info about research into a possible link. Everytime I have mentioned this I am always told no. I know that when I see the consultant next week that I will be offered the removal of my ovaries, hysterectomy etc as I am 42 with no plans to have children. I have always taken drugs since my surgery but they just don't seem to work anymore in controlling the pain and bleeding. I don't want to make a drastic decision just yet! Has anyone had thyroid problems resolved and seen an improvement in their gynae symptoms? I know it's a long shot but I'm hoping there might be someone out there.

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nikki297 profile image
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4 Replies
Impatient profile image

The goitre removal isn't likely to alter your gynae pain levels -sorry about that.

On a more optimistic front, the hysterectomy is going to remove the adeno completely. One thing out of the way. YAY.

However there are problems with removing both your ovaries. It will not solve the problem of existing endo that remains in your body.

Endo needs oestrogen, your ovaries supply that, but so too does the tummy fat and adrenal glands and you will need HRT if both ovaries are removed which adds to the oestrogen availability even more - and your existing endo may continue to have the hormones it needs.

Unfortunately your bones need hormones from the ovaries too and so does your heart, and while it is necessary in exceptional cases to forfeit both ovaries, HRT is not a sufficiently good enough replacement alternative for all the other benefits of having an ovary (one working is all you need to avoid HRT for years and years)

So I would think at this point you have 3 surgical goals.

Sort out the goitre - it is long overdue.

have the uterus removed to rid you of adeno (the hysterectomy)

but saving at least one ovary. (losing ovaries is a bilateral oopherectomy - so you don't want any more than a unilateral oopherectomy/ one taken out.)

And also excision surgery to remove all existing endo where possible - this to be done at the same time at the uterus is whipped out.

That's gonna be tough journey of surgery and healing and recovery time.

the uterus out and removal of all existing endo is likely to be a 4-5 month recovery all told.

It is a big decision in terms of committing the time necessary to recover to the point you are op pain free, as it is possible this will be netter done in open surgery rather than just a lap op though that depends on the extent of the existing endo in you.

Lots to research there and weigh up pros and cons.

Very best of luck coming to the right solution for you. It could be life changing to be rid of pain, as I found out, but it took a long long recovery.

nikki297 profile image
nikki297 in reply to Impatient

Thank you for your advice. It is quite overwhelming at times trying to consider all of these things. I am also waiting for a colonoscopy because of symptoms when I bleed. It feels like it's one procedure after another at the moment and it's difficult to focus on one thing at a time and make the right decision for me. Your reply has really helped me so thank you. I have a lot of thinking to do.

Chubbylin profile image

I had Grave's Disease (overactive thyroid) 5 years ago and i also had a very big goitre which i then had a total thyroidectomy to had it removed 2 years after being diagnosed. I have been on thyrosine ever since to balance out my hormones. I didn't have my endo then so i can't say how it affects the pain. Though i do also believe my thyroid condition is somewhat linked to me having endo a few years after. I hope all works out for you!

Sheri26 profile image

I had over active, was put on meds and then over shot and went under active, then stabilised, then my endo problems started following year. I was a smoker up until four years ago, ever since I gave up, I have had health issues. I've just had a hysterectomy for adeno and endo, I'm 35 xxx

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