Wanted to tell you about a talk at the QMC on the 29th April.
The title of the talk is:
The impact of endometriosis on women, male partners and the couple unit: findings from the 'Endopart' study. Based on a study carried out by De Montfort University into effect of endometriosis on relationships.
The talk will be given by Dr Nicky Hudson, Senior Research Fellow, Applied Social Sciences, De Montfort University.
The venue is: Queens Medical Centre, East Block, Floor C, room C1892 (opposite ward C29).
I don't think we'll have facilities for drinks so you might want to grab something from Costa in reception on the way up.
Dr Hudson will aim to talk for around 30-40 mins and leave time for questions and discussion.
The talk is free and all friends family partners welcome.
If you need any further information or a copy of the study please don t hesitate to get in touch.
E mail Endometriosis@kimberley@gmail.com
Wendy Walker
Nottingham support group leader.