Working and endometriosis : Hey everyone... - Endometriosis UK

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Working and endometriosis

CryBaby91 profile image
17 Replies

Hey everyone :) question for you all, again lol.

How many of you have managed to have careers still with endometriosis?

I have just finished my first year doing my BA in Language studies (English language and German), I'm studying at home through the Open University because attending a bricks and mortar university would be impossible for me because of my physical and mental health.

But I'm looking at the future, I'm hoping i won't be poorly forever...or at least I won't be incapacitated forever!

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CryBaby91 profile image
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17 Replies
Nicjane profile image

Hey! I'm 22 and finished my Sociology degree last year.

I haven't applied for any jobs but I am keeping an eye out. I find hard to find a job that my degree would be useful in especially since covid, having no prior experience in any working enivroment i find it difficult to find anything that would accept me.

Make most of any freelancing, tutoring, home made projects, any work experience opportunites. I wish I did when I had the chance. I had non stop flooding everyday on mini pull through uni so i struggled a lot walking around.

Wanted to apply to be a teacher but PGCE seems physically difficult since I can't drive. I'm interested in policy, inequalities, third sector and simular things.

Currently looking for remote jobs (this will hopefully expand in future after covid). Also things I can do at home like hand made jewellery. I made some but I'm too scared of tax to put them online.

I don't want to sound pessimstic please dont think of this like that, just as a note that you aren't alone and we will find something to suit us.

I've seen many postive stories on endo and employment which gives me hope!

Best wishes with your health and degree.

Dm if you wanna chat, rant or ask anything 😊

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Nicjane

Thanks so much for sharing 🙂 definitely not pessimistic! I'm the same, I always think of the negatives as well as the positives, that way I am never devastated if something doesn't happen. Xxx

Poppy96 profile image

I have a degree in English with Writing, graduated in 2018. I currently work in marketing and luckily I have a office and working from home balance. So I am in the office three days and home two days which does help.

In all honesty it’s a struggle but not impossible (at the moment).

My advice would be to definitely look at jobs that have some flexibility, as this could help with the days when you are struggling the most.


CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Poppy96

That sounds like what I'll probably do with mine, I figured I could do translation from home or even just proof reading etc. But I would love to do my forensic linguistics diploma too, but I know that will take much more energy and stuff so I'm being flexible. Any work would be enough, I just don't want to be letting my husband take all the financial strain for our whole lives. Thank you for sharing with me I appreciate it xxx

Fraser1 profile image

I work full time, usually based from an office with some travel involved. It’s not always easy and sometimes it’s as much a mental challenge as it is physical. I tend to use heat patches and low level pain relief when I’m working.

I have had to take occasional days where to manage the pain I’ve had to use my codeine and that just writes me off. I’ve been off when I had my surgery as well.

If you get a reasonable employer that always helps but in my experience it has also involved a lot of gritting you teeth and getting through to the end of the day.

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Fraser1

Thank you for sharing :) xxx

Noodle31 profile image

I was only diagnosed with endo last year, after suffering with it since I was about 15! In that time I got my BA, got my Masters degree and worked in offices etc, but it was always a struggle because I was battling an illness I didn't know I even had, but diagnosis helped me understand why, when previously I had just thought it was my fault and I was lazy or everyone was in pain and I needed to just shut up about it...not great! I find being a freelancer works for me best, since I have more control over my hours and workload. Try a few things out. You'll be able to work with endo, I promise. But don't beat yourself up too much - I did and it wasn't helpful, it actually made things way worse! Find your own pace and try not to compare your journey to others.

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Noodle31

Thanks for sharing :) I definitely have been guilty of beating myself up too much in the past! But now I'm doing uni I'm trying to stop being so hard on myself xxx

er1980 profile image

Hey! Well I am a full time family and wedding photographer (very physical job) and I am managing... BUT, my endo isn’t as advanced as it is for many women. And there are bed days for sure. I can’t phone in sick cos I am self employed so on bad days it is codeine and on very bad days I sit down as much as I can without making it look like I am lazy! I also use heat pads for continual pain relief during a whole day shooting. And also do weekly pain management in the form of hypnotherapy which is amazing at helping to strengthen mindset. I also have a friend with severe endo who is the CEO of a company with two kids. And there are people in the GB olympic team with endo...

HOWEVER... everything is very personal and unique to you as a person and you have your own boundaries to work with. I have had a period where I am basically screaming into my pillow and was just lucky it didn’t coincide with a shoot.

Good luck!

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to er1980

Gosh that must be very hard on you on bad days! But I bet very rewarding too :) wow I didn't know there was an Olympic person with endo! Xxx

MagicTea profile image

I work full time in a school, so term time only. There’s days when it’s bad but work are aware and I get my hot water bottle out and medication etc and if it’s really bad I go home. I’m also training to be a counsellor, so I do that one day a week too and I love it. I’m waiting for my op to remove a cyst and endo and hoping I feel so much better once that’s done. I guess making sure your employer is aware of your condition and what it means to you, would surely help, the endo site has a resource to print for employers. Also, there’s so many jobs home based now that might be worth looking at to start off with? Then you’re not pushing yourself too far too soon, especially with your mental health. I often feel better at home, particularly when I’m having a very anxious day. That might be worth looking into? Hope you do find something you love and that suits you :) x

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to MagicTea

Thanks for sharing :) yeah I should be able to work from home once I've finished my degree, I can do freelance journalism, proof reading and translation if needed. But I would love to do a more hands on career, or look into doing psychology as well so I can do forensic linguistics and analyse criminal documents. That's my dream :) xxx

Caitlincee1 profile image

Hi , I’m currently a mental health nurse working 13 hour shifts in a very busy ward.

I have found it difficult and do need periods of sickness a lot :(.

Although I’m grateful to have supportive managers .

You can do it but you will need support ! X

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Caitlincee1

Thank you for sharing with me :) xxx

Pinkmice profile image


Life with endo is full of ups and downs, with current situation many of us are coping

but the mental stress is hard on us.

Do you have a close friend as sharing your concern helps as well as this site.

Because as a person we all need a hug,will to step up and be who we are.

Wish I could tell you and this comes with a hug -things in work will improve but be

careful as some employers are not nice.

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Pinkmice

It certainly is full of ups and downs! I don't have a friend no, people around me have been very unreliable in the past so I've closed myself off a bit. But my husband is amazing and very very supportive, so I definitely have someone to talk to and give me a huge hug. Xxx

Acsk profile image

Honestly I worked two jobs and I found myself sleeping through my alarms for naps in between shifts and calling in sick sometimes. When I would power through the day I was often asked by my English learner students (bless their hearts) "you got da sunburn?" When I was so tired and couldn't be bothered to slab on some makeup. Eventually I got married and thank God my husband does help me financially. We do delivery driving now, he drives and I pick up the order from the restaurant and it is nice because I can stop whenever I'm feeling bad. Last time we were delivering and I had a pain episode we ended up going to the ER. it was nice to have that flexibility of not having to interrupt a class or request leave from higher ups :) and we make good money!

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